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Probably been asked before....

rated by 0 users
Sat, Feb 19 2011 1:18 PM (2 replies)
  • Timfy67
    37 Posts
    Sat, Feb 19 2011 12:19 PM

    and I guess that it comes under the umbrella of "please can we have a driving range" but there are a couple of things that I personally would find very usefull;

    1. The ability to Mulligan a shot on practise rounds so as I can try the same shot using different techniques.
    2. The ability to place the ball anywhere on a course to practise situations that wouldn't normally arise that often.
    3. A percentage graduation on the putting meter.
    4. The chance to sell a beer to my opponents that then knocks accuracy and distance off their clubs without them realising!!!!
    Okay, the last one is a piss-take but the others would be genuinely useful (imho)

  • Sanco
    1,345 Posts
    Sat, Feb 19 2011 1:10 PM

    Alas, it's more likely that number 4 would get implemented as it falls into the novelty category. ;))

  • craigswan
    32,281 Posts
    Sat, Feb 19 2011 1:18 PM

    give your friends a present would be swell - like a coffee,birthday cake,pet,etc .