PaulTon: ordered those chicken feet by mistake in an authentic Chinese restaurant in Glasgow's Chinatown. Strangely enough it was like eating bone and cartilage wrapped in skin.
Yup, about sums it up, but throw in some congealed fat, and it is about spot on. I would not have tried them, but the missus ignored my "don't stare at the shopkeepers eating" warning whilst in China. Well of course she did and the next thing we knew was the shop keeper proudly handed us a chickens foot on a stick! Vile.
There was a huge scandal in the 90's in China as the chickens feet were imported from the US.....with a "not fit for human consumption" warning on the boxes.
And spicy BBQ'ed roaches was on a trip to Thailand. Equally vile, in fact worse as I had the mental aspect to overcome as well. not much better - tastes friggen offal.
Edit - I will now probably be confronted with Scotsmen with pitchforks in one hand, a can of Tennents Super in the other screaming profanities at me for insulting the national delicacy
Now who else can I insult lol................