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Pending golfers at the bottom of my cc members list

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jan 27 2023 6:57 AM (49 replies)
  • SoCalGary
    103 Posts
    Fri, Apr 1 2016 2:26 PM

    I am an owner of a CC and every once in a while I see a couple of golfers at the bottom of our members list marked pending. The only option I see is to delete them. How do I accept them into the club and how do they get there?

  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Fri, Apr 1 2016 5:06 PM


    I am an owner of a CC and every once in a while I see a couple of golfers at the bottom of our members list marked pending. The only option I see is to delete them. How do I accept them into the club and how do they get there?

    Hi SoCalGary,

    These are pending invites that you have sent out to players that they have not responded to. You can either let them sit there to see if the player will accept your offer or to delete the offer. :)

    All the Best,

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Apr 1 2016 10:40 PM

    I assume that those who have rejected an invite will still be visible there, and the list may include players who have been accepted to your CC or to another CC. Thus it seems clear that some necessary maintenance and cross-check is NOT done by WGT.

    OTOH, would you like to have players as members who didn't respond in weeks or more?

    Last but not least, the pendings are on the list for all to see. Owners have received criticism by the public in multiple cases when their CC came into discussion here. Thus, owners better delete the dead wood for a "clean" history.

  • SoCalGary
    103 Posts
    Fri, Apr 1 2016 11:58 PM

    Thanks for your response!

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Fri, May 27 2016 8:24 PM

    2300 !? Really? That has to be one of the busiest CC owners out there. To issue that many invitations to people who do not respond has to be magical. Or perhaps the invitations were issued to new WGT players who were only here for a day or two and then left the game for some first person shooter game. Certainly seeing that little blue invite square all the  time that someone is on WGT should spark some curiosity to at least click on it. I certainly would not just ignore and invitation, I would delete it as soon as possible.

  • pgturne
    4,814 Posts
    Fri, May 27 2016 11:33 PM

    I raised this issue a number of months ago I have a current long term member who also shows up as pending. I have never sent him an invite!!

    Sent a request to WGT months ago to fix this issue  but to date nothing. Don't want to delete him as pending in case it also deletes his membership.



  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, May 28 2016 12:32 AM

    I raised this issue a number of months ago I have a current long term member who also shows up as pending. I have never sent him an invite!!

    Sent a request to WGT months ago to fix this issue  but to date nothing. Don't want to delete him as pending in case it also deletes his membership.

    Your first statement confirms that it's some issue related to the programming. Those "pendings" ARE dead wood and better deleted after a week or so.

    Concerning the "pending + member" guy, you might announce your action to him, and if he should be deleted (which I doubt) you can easily invite him again.

  • Edgey54321
    547 Posts
    Sat, May 28 2016 1:33 AM

    Invites to players who then go onto a pending list can be issued by all those in you club who are authorised to do so, if you open the owner tools and then permissions you will who in your club can invite players. If you have never changed it any member will be able to send an invite
