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Contact WGT

Sun, Feb 14 2021 11:45 AM (26 replies)
  • Heath021
    378 Posts
    Sun, Apr 3 2016 5:47 PM

    How do I contact WGT instead of emailing. To talk with someone about overcharges on my account the last few months. It is disconcerning that they are charging my account about 3 times per month without my authorization. I have email them already but it pisses me off that they don't have a contact telephone # to discuss these financial issues that could damage my credit.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sun, Apr 3 2016 6:15 PM

    How do I contact WGT instead of emailing. To talk with someone

    MisterWGT Phone Chat

    100,000 Credits

    MisterWGT Phone Chat

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Apr 4 2016 5:24 PM


    How do I contact WGT instead of emailing. To talk with someone about overcharges on my account the last few months. It is disconcerning that they are charging my account about 3 times per month without my authorization. I have email them already but it pisses me off that they don't have a contact telephone # to discuss these financial issues that could damage my credit.


    please send me a message if you want to chat. we would never want to charge anyone for anything that's not a intended charge.


  • Baldo09
    1 Posts
    Wed, Sep 21 2016 8:03 PM


    I bought 1000 credits via PayPal.  I repeatedly got a Buy new Ball message... which ate up those credits and I still don't have the balls I bought.  It now shows 118 credits and I got nothing!


  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Thu, Sep 22 2016 9:14 AM



    I bought 1000 credits via PayPal.  I repeatedly got a Buy new Ball message... which ate up those credits and I still don't have the balls I bought.  It now shows 118 credits and I got nothing!


    I'm seeing that despite the issue you ran into, you did receive the balls you purchased and you currently have them equipped. Are you still having trouble? 


  • Simonanna
    614 Posts
    Mon, Apr 10 2017 9:20 PM


    I have in the last few days played under par repeatedly but my scoring average after the disastorous clash set up seems to stay the same hat can I do

    This is from someone who spends hundreds of dollars every month on your company


    Kind regards 



  • WGTElectro
    90 Posts
    Tue, Apr 11 2017 7:28 AM



    I have in the last few days played under par repeatedly but my scoring average after the disastorous clash set up seems to stay the same hat can I do

    This is from someone who spends hundreds of dollars every month on your company


    Kind regards 



    Hey Simon, It looks like you have been playing a lot of Best of Par 5's which do not affect your average. This is because an 18(or 9) hole round of Par 5's would not be indicative of a true mix of hole lengths as a true full 18 or F/B 9 would be. The same goes for Best of Par 3's. This is likely why you have not seen much movement in regards to your average. 



  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Apr 11 2017 10:02 AM

    I have in the last few days played under par repeatedly but my scoring average after the disastorous clash set up seems to stay the same hat can I do

    This is from someone who spends hundreds of dollars every month on your company

    1) Stop thinking "+-Par"! Raw scores do count for the average, nine hole scores are doubled.

    2) View your scores in relation to your 69 average. Some are likely to reduce your average, some are not. But, changes may be too small to see immediately, due to denominators up to 500.

    3) Electro didn't mention Bandon, but no Par3 or Par5 courses will count to the average , nor do CC custom courses (edited).

    4) Why has the Clash been desastrous - your CC won again?

    5) No dollar that you spent here (much less wasted in CC passes) will help you drop your average.

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Tue, Apr 11 2017 10:32 AM



    I have in the last few days played under par repeatedly but my scoring average after the disastorous clash set up seems to stay the same hat can I do

    This is from someone who spends hundreds of dollars every month on your company


    Kind regards 



    Jao, Simone, a zašto trošiš toliko dolara za taj glupi clash? To je najglupije takmičenje u povesti. Pa zapravo i nije takmičenje, nego aukcija, s jedinom razlikom, da ovde i oni koji izgube, treba da plate ;-)

    A što se tiče ostalog, custom turniri ne važe za avg, isto tako i par 3 i par 5 tereni. I treba ti 2 ili 3 rezultata 34 (68), da ti pomakne avg za 0,01. Izvini za moj ne baš književni srpski, al sam Slovenac ;-)

    P.S.: He, he, vidim, da ste i kod vas pronašli XP foru na Custom turnirima ;-) Baš me interesuje, kad će WGT to da shvati ;-)


  • Vaibhav5viv
    886 Posts
    Tue, Apr 11 2017 12:33 PM

    Electro didn't mention Bandon, but no Par3 or Par5 courses will count to the average.

    +Custom course