Hi all,
Thought I'd have a go at this.
Well, the first round sure lived up to its name. Bogeys on the first 3 holes, but got a couple of shots back, and managed a few nice saves. Highlight of the round was this approach on #12:
You soon learn to play away from the pins and it requires a lot more creativity. Notably #10 with the nasty front right pin. Strong wind and ball below your feet, the cliffs await... and that's exactly where mine went! A nice quad bogey on the scorecard to start the back 9.
On the whole, it was fun in a tactical sense. Sometimes you have to play conservatively, take bogey at worst and move on. But yeah, that's much easier said than done. ;)
Anyway, here's my greenshot, scorecard and stats (click to enlarge):
P.S. Just wondering, is there any reason for not including proof of the starter irons used?