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A couple of Updates

Mon, Apr 11 2016 3:37 AM (3 replies)
  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2016 2:00 PM

    Just wanted to give everyone a heads up on a couple of things.


    1. Our Mobile App got featured for Masters weekend.  Due to this we got a lot more emails than normal and our response times are going to suffer.  So if you have emailed in the past 24-48 hours, please be patient with us while we get to your question or refund.

    2.  The most recent set up RG's will be up for three weeks.  We had some people go on Vacation and wanted to make sure that the RG's didn't end before new ones could get built.  If we get a chance in two weeks we will kill the old ones and put up new ones.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2016 2:07 PM

    Thank you for the heads up .


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2016 2:27 PM


    2.  The most recent set up RG's will be up for three weeks.  We had some people go on Vacation and wanted to make sure that the RG's didn't end before new ones could get built.  If we get a chance in two weeks we will kill the old ones and put up new ones.


    - WGTdbloshoe

    Cheers shoe, but if u get a chance....maybe make the TL RG 200 credits ?

    I'll do the 500cr one but taking time to fill....once the newbie TLs know they can get in top 10 easy...the floodgates will open !!!

    ok. maybe not OPEN, but they will fill quicker for sure ;-))


  • TopShelf2010
    10,967 Posts
    Mon, Apr 11 2016 3:37 AM
