i clear both browser & flash cache after every game.. especially skins & alt.. otherwise i just get ram build up from what appears to be game assets not deleted properly by bad programming. The ram build up causes bad/impossible meter..
I was together with Foo trying to start an alternate.....never got to tee up even after 10 tries in several courses and hosting 4 different players.
The OP has a point and the puritanism of the members contradicting his technical arguments is silly, I guess all of them have never seen a blue screen, always succeed finishing their alternates, their meter is smooth all the time and they never see glitches, bugs, or alike.
The game has unfortunately more technical fails than ever.
5/10 members might leave the game a day while thousands arrive to the game every single day, why WGT should be worried about fixing the game?, it is not the mods fault or the people cleaning the offices.... it is the direction & the programmers who cannot couple with the huge amount of new players.
Someone said WGT is like a train that keeps joining more & more wagons full of people but it does not change the rails, engines, brakes, etc.
I used to visit WGT everyday only to play alternates with my pals, greatest fun, but that was until midt 2014, ever since I hardly finish an alternate and I am sick of trying to finish a single one, besides the smooth meter is not to be seen again.
Where is the game we loved gone???