update by the original post author:
First of all, I edited my original „complaint“ to a milder, more appropriate language. I was in "the heat of the moment“ when I wrote it. I have played nearly 7.000 ranked rounds, coming to level 105, so WGT was a big part of my leisure time… when U love someone or something, U might be more „engaged“ then if it is just a game...
Secondly, the facts I wrote are still the same:
Customer service in terms of doing better in game experience is „out of order“. And so on… It is still unsatisfying how WGT handles its customers. Flash is an outdated software causing most of the troubles/glitches and game abortions.
Third: Tyvm for all the honest contributions to this issue, and a mild smile for all those disregarding facts and figures for their personal warfare.
4th: I am still here, trying a browser for Mac that seems to work - at least better…. it’s name is Stainless, and i think it is no longer supported by the developer, so it is even with „Flash“, :-)
Why am I still here? Tried to sell equipment and give the money in terms of balls to my CC captain, who spends countless hours to run a CC here. Was not easy, but now i know how…and I had some credits in my account...
The many emails I got on this additionally took my notice. With respect, I was glad to learn that people do care, even if some care „wrong“, lol.
What I personally learned is three things:
• never argue in „heat“, although your arguments may be correct, the tone and the language are wrong. (will be true for any discussion with opposite gender as well…)
• it is hard to give up a „drug“ at once, cold turkey that is called in Europe, meaning immediate removal on spot. I will go on a lesser „dose“, and it worked fine the last days...
• and finally, and I thought I knew this before in a 54 year long life, You will never change a system from outside, unless you have ultimate powers…
WGT does not take care, we know for years, why bother? Take it or leave it.
US elections are based on money and promises to receive campaign money in swop for favors, had been, has been, is, and will be… If You understood a system, why bother in emails to change it? None of us has the power...
Although I do think WGT as an online-game is shrinking (for many players left without notice in recent weeks, sometimes You do not even get 4 players for alternate…), I try to live with that. Everything has its time...
Good days we had, good days may come...