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༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Gettin Through Monday Giveaway!

Tue, Apr 19 2016 5:46 AM (28 replies)
  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Mon, Apr 18 2016 12:56 PM

    Hey All!

    After a short hiatus, the Monday Giveaways are back! Couldn't really find a good holiday today, although National Amateur Radio Day was tempting, so we are going with something a little different. 

    On my desk I have a bunch of knick-knacks to keep me sane and one of them I am fairly proud of. Guess what it is and win a free sleeve of balls of your choosing. I have included a few hints below to help figure out what it is. Will announce a winner at 6pm Pacific and if no one has guessed correctly at 4pm, I will give a few more clues. 

    1) He's a pretty big guy
    2) He's from a movie that's getting a reboot this year
    3) He terrorizes New York before his downfall

    Goodluck everyone and if you have any ideas for next weeks giveaway contest, include them below your guess! :)

    All the Best,

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Apr 18 2016 1:09 PM

    Sounds like king Kong....but a movie I saw shorts for was Eddie the he was a legend!

    Anyone remember him...especially the UK players......coke bottle glasses and an IQ in the teens......but boy did he have determination and courage.


  • hpurey
    11,510 Posts
    Mon, Apr 18 2016 1:10 PM


  • MrQueez
    559 Posts
    Mon, Apr 18 2016 1:13 PM

    Stay Puff Marshmallow Man.

  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Mon, Apr 18 2016 1:17 PM

    Ooooooo, just missed it.

    But yes, Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Apr 18 2016 1:29 PM

    You are "proud" of a knick-knack?...oi vey

    ...I was gonna say Donald Trump. He's a big guy and many say he terrorizes NYC, but he wasn't in a movie. Kim Kardashian was in a movie with a pretty big guy...but now that she's a respectable married woman, I doubt there will be a remake...much to her pimp's, errr, mother's chagrin.

    Icon is always a dark horse..seeing him in that tutu has to be considered a bit terrorizing. I'm fairly certain if Trump and Kardashian had a love child, it would be Icon.

    I'm gonna guess Donald Kardashian..:)

  • bmw316
    231 Posts
    Mon, Apr 18 2016 1:39 PM

    I will take a shot in the dark, and guess The incredible Hulk.

  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Mon, Apr 18 2016 1:59 PM

    Wow, guess I made that one a little to easy! Yup, its the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghost Busters, well a bobble head actually. Have had it for a few years and was one of my favorite movies as a kid and still is. Hpurey was the first, so you get your choice of balls. :)


    You are "proud" of a knick-knack?...oi vey

    ...I was gonna say Donald Trump. He's a big guy and many say he terrorizes NYC, but he wasn't in a movie. Kim Kardashian was in a movie with a pretty big guy...but now that she's a respectable married woman, I doubt there will be a remake...much to her pimp's, errr, mother's chagrin.

    Icon is always a dark horse..seeing him in that tutu has to be considered a bit terrorizing. I'm fairly certain if Trump and Kardashian had a love child, it would be Icon.

    I'm gonna guess Donald Kardashian..:)

    Donald Kardashian was also a really good guess. Maybe proud was not the right word, maybe enjoy all the knick knacks I have? Anyways have a bunch of em.

    If anyone has a good idea for next weeks give away, post em here and maybe we will use it next week. Otherwise we may have to go with National Crayola Day....

    All the Best,



  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Mon, Apr 18 2016 2:01 PM

    Oh and here's a picture of him!


  • hpurey
    11,510 Posts
    Mon, Apr 18 2016 2:03 PM

    Hpurey was the first, so you get your choice of balls. :)


    You were right, it was a bit too easy.   Come up with a new one and use my sleeve to the next winner.  :)


    Or L51 yellow Volviks please.  hehehe.  But seriously,  let someone else win.