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Scales and Calculators

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Thu, Jun 15 2017 10:46 AM (21 replies)
  • billybumfloss
    1 Posts
    Fri, Apr 22 2016 1:25 PM

    Hi All,

    I'm fairly new on here and quite enjoy the game. I recently had a post on my wall from someone accusing me of using "scales and Calculators" I have not a clue what this individual is talking about? Can someone enlighten me.  I haven't quite figured out how to respond to him but when I do I would like to know what Im talking about. 



  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Fri, Apr 22 2016 3:34 PM

    Unfortunately you will have to deal with the idiots who cant mind their business . They feel that you have to play the game for their approval but pay them no mind . This particular troll that you are refering to is an idiot . Using a calculator to figure yardages is not cheating as this idiot is trying to imply . Tell them to bite you then block them from posting on your wall .

    To block click on the accounts tab . On that page you will see a tab to block players . Click on that tab and type that players name to be blocked . Once that is done they will not be able to post on your wall any more . Hope this helps and good luck with your game . :-)

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Apr 23 2016 4:09 PM

    Reading the wall post, I'm pretty sure that's not what the poster was intimating.

  • ReisR
    341 Posts
    Sat, Apr 23 2016 4:51 PM


    ... I recently had a post on my wall from someone accusing me of using "scales and Calculators". I have not a clue what this individual is talking about? Can someone enlighten me. ...

    Yes, it is easily explained. They are accusing You of using your brain, think about the shot, and taking notes. The same kind of cheating that Jordan Spieth and Rory McIlroy do when they play for real.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Apr 23 2016 4:55 PM


    Reading the wall post, I'm pretty sure that's not what the poster was intimating.

    Perhaps he was in awe of how quickly the OP has picked up the game.

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Sat, Apr 23 2016 5:13 PM

    But then again - just MAYBE a Legend tried POACHING on a Pro and lost.

    Can anybody say JUSTICE????

    Look at the guy's scores ...........


  • lilrob88
    870 Posts
    Sat, Apr 23 2016 5:49 PM

    As long as you're using a scientific calendar you are golden bud and I wouldn't worry about it..... :)

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Sat, Apr 23 2016 7:01 PM

    Can someone enlighten me.

    1. Use a question mark when asking a question.

    2. Don't come in 2nd place in a RG your 2nd day playing.

    3. Multi's/restarts should refrain from posting in the forums.

  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Sat, Apr 23 2016 7:18 PM

    He was in full panic mode and tried to write about scales , maybe thought he would be reported by the guy he played? And then mad an a.. of himself.

    It took me 1 round to figure out there was something called putting pal , back then I had to buy it though.

    Yes , this guy has been around before.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Apr 24 2016 10:51 AM

    I see billybumfloss no longer shows up on the member search.