tordragon: Everytime I load the client, I get taken to the Hit the Ball Practise Swing Tutorial this is mildly annoying.
In the game under Menu/Options you will see a place to turn these off. Each time you clear your Flash cache these reset and you have to set them again. This is what noob is talking about.
To Equip your bag you have to do it manually. You have to scroll through your clubs to find the one you want and then drag it into place. Be sure to save changes.
To verify it was put in your inventory make sure the transaction took place to begin with. Click the Account button under your name and you will see all of your credit transactions. Make sure you see your rental. You may also be running into a time thing with that rental if it takes you too long to figure it out. The rental might run out in which case you might want to get in touch with WGT at GL.