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Precision shrinking

rated by 0 users
Mon, Apr 25 2016 10:39 AM (1 replies)
  • JDC37
    1 Posts
    Sun, Apr 24 2016 10:27 PM

    I've been playing this game for a while now and I know all about the precision ect......  The better the precision, the bigger the meter area that you can hit in ect....   My question is now, all of a sudden, when I go into my drive swing, my precision area shrinks every time I start my swing.   Why is that?   Can it be stopped?   I have a great driver with great precision, but it doesn't really matter if my precision area shrinks everytime.   

  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Mon, Apr 25 2016 10:39 AM


    I've been playing this game for a while now and I know all about the precision ect......  The better the precision, the bigger the meter area that you can hit in ect....   My question is now, all of a sudden, when I go into my drive swing, my precision area shrinks every time I start my swing.   Why is that?   Can it be stopped?   I have a great driver with great precision, but it doesn't really matter if my precision area shrinks everytime.   

    HI JDC37,

    The blue portion of the meter will shrink if you are holding a set swing strength for a length of time, usually around 4-5 seconds. Setting swing strength quicker should stop the meter from doing this.

    All the Best,