I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I'm sure it will be moved or deleted if not so here goes.
At the club I used to be a member of there was a competition that ran throughout the year called the eclectic. You played the front and back 9 six times each, 12 rounds altogether and your final score was made up of the best you managed on each hole. You weren't obliged to play all 12 of course, most players missed one or two rounds. It gave those of us who didn't play that consistently the chance to post a good score and kept your interest up throughout the season as it usually came down to the final round to decide the winner. A draw was resolved by who played best on stroke index 1, then 2 and so on. Scoring was stableford but could of course be stroke play.
I shouldn't think this would be too hard to implement as it basically seems to be what you see displayed after a round of C.T.T.H. as your potential best.