Hi Everyone and Happy Monday! How was your weekend?
Mine was pretty good, easy going, hung out with my fiance and our dog. Speaking of our dog, for today's giveaway lets try to guess his name. I have included 4 choices in the poll, people that choose the right name will be entered in a chance to win a free sleeve of balls, your choice!!
If you feel inclined and have/had a dog, I would love to read about mans best friend so include stories in your replies!
Also, here's some pictures for a hint, maybe he looks like one of the answers more than the others?
**Edit: Forgot to put when a winner will be announced! Will have the winning name and the winner of the sleeve of balls at 6PM Pacific today!!
All the Best,
Whats his Name??
Henry (18.4%)
Chooper (22.4%)
Walter (22.4%)
Harley (26.5%)
Banana (10.2%)