Jeffy Dhamer is a fictional character from the movie The Ringer. In the movie the character chooses this name in the spot because it was the first thing he could think up as a fake name. I chose this name because Chuck Norris probably wasn't available. Also, the movie is called The Ringer. A ringer is someone who is highly proficient or has an advantage against his opponents. In this particular movie his competitors are from the special olympics... (Here come the people with too much hot air)
Now you can go ahead and accuse me of making fun of handy capable people. But, this movie actually sends a good message about people with handicaps.
So, there you go.
I was harassed by another member about playing too slow, and the guy was vulgar so I reported him. It seems WGT also though is behavior was extremely out of line as I no longer see his account on here.
Now we have a few people with too much time on their hands finding petty things to whine about suggesting I deserved it because of my users name.
Ok, I'll make a reminder not to bother asking questions around here.
Peace, JeffyDhamer