I got an idea for a Mark Prodder. I just need a little help.
What it will do, will send an electrical impulse so your right finger (left for you Michelson fans out there), and make sure you hit the center mark ever time.
Instead of a skull cap, I was thinking about a seat pad, to a control box, from there a wire running to your elbow (you could clip it on). It would send an impulse so you would hit the center mark every time.
The control box would have 6 settings.
1.) Pot of coffee,
2.) Just got up
3.) Going to work
4.) A beer
5.) Happy hour
6.) and Whiskey/Wine (good luck hitting the side of a barn with that one).
-note: We need a disclaimer for this setting
I think this will be a big seller, for this site.
For my side of the investment, I have the idea, and $50.00, we just need a bio-tech, and electrical engineer, and someone to foot the bill for the equipment.
It would be nice if we can find a lawyer that would like to leech on to this deal for a percentage. Considering the amount of lawsuits that will be piling up.
For those interested in investing call