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Ready Go Tournament courses?!

Wed, May 18 2016 8:30 PM (2 replies)
  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Wed, May 18 2016 3:21 PM

    Wondering what's up with the selection. There are some course + credit combinations that fill up really quick that are rarely put out it seems. Would like to see more St.Andrews 500-1000 credit rgs, All higher dollar Oakmont, and Merion rgs. And, would like to see less best of filler crap and more real higher credit rgs that people enjoy playing. It would be in wgts best interest, they take a piece of the pie right???

    And yeah those are my best courses to play rgs on but everyone likes those rgs :), I'm pretty excited this year's vuso is on oakmont, I hope to do well.


  • aichapman
    1,426 Posts
    Wed, May 18 2016 7:29 PM

    It's a shame that all members are not given enough options to satisfy their needs for fun and competition. ( The more we play......the more we spend.....for a high percentage of us that is true. )

    I really do see the need for High End, Middle Range and Cheaper RG's. 

    Sadly I don't understand the technical difficulty involved with setting up, lets say 3 pages of RG's, to cover the above tournament situations.

    We all have different expectations, wants and needs, so it is very hard to keep the majority happy, but, why has no one in the Drivers Seat discussed or offered suggestions to improve our countless requests re this one particular issue.

    Year after year, members have requested, begged, pleaded and offered tips and suggestions to remedy this situation ( I'm focussing only on RG's at this point of time ) , but to no avail.

    I really do enjoy this game and although glitches and occasional major problems occur, I have no desire to quit and go off and play Plants vs Zombies or Candy Crush.........this is by far the most fun I get from a virtual game, why the bloody heck do we get NO input into its improvement or have no real opportunity to discuss this with the Wheelers and Dealers. No offence meant to the Moderators but I for one am over the backward and forward of information that appears not to be heard.

    I guess I will keep playing and hope for bigger and better things, one day, maybe.

    This is not a complaint........just a statement...............

    I'm wondering if I can find 250 like minded people willing to set up a club that caters for regular ( In my case ) 50 and 100 credit paid tournaments. 

    Nah...........probably a silly idea........anyway a man can dream....I guess

    Cheers and regards to all from Alan

  • turfsand
    1,773 Posts
    Wed, May 18 2016 8:30 PM

    a 250 member club could easily cater to everyones needs and members voices would be heard....hhhhmmmmm? might be on to something there