If you must average below 60 to become a TL . Then 59.00 or 59.99 is a Tl average .
You must average below 59.00 to become a Champion . Then 58.00 or 58.99 is the first highest average a Champion can have . Too bad your hatred clouds your math skills sir . When otherwise your math is topnotch .
Lmao, I'm sure you know what you meant by this, but it makes no sense to the rest.
Fact: You become a TL, when your best 500 RR at L tier avg 60 or below. Btw, if the avg of your first 500 RR at L tier is 53, you become a TL with an avg of 53.
But, after you are promoted, your 1st score as a TL will become your avg. If you score a 25 (9 holes), your TL avg will be 50. But if you score a 70 (on 9 holes), you TL avg will be 140 ;-) And the avg will again change with every score.
Same goes for champ tier, except the promotion comes with an avg of 59 or better and at least 200 RR at TL tier.
And a champion can also have a 180 avg, if that is the 1st score he shoots at champ tier ;-)
So, in the context of your post, the re are NO limitation of one's avg, when one reaches a new tier. Your 1st avg is simply your 1st score. Period. ;-)