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Thu, Jul 28 2016 6:31 AM (30 replies)
  • joecote253
    204 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2016 8:42 PM

    I've a scoring question concerning a Clash contest.

    Our Club: Beaver Falls had 8 members scoring in this particular Clash vs Cheers. We scored a total of 487 points. The Cheers team had 2 members playing. They scored impressively at 212 and 202 points respectively. Our 487 beat their 414, yet they got the win AND the additional 600 points.

    Can you explain this to me like I'm a 9 year old, because, I don't care what kind of Math you use, it still doesn't add up to me and I've had College Math (as if THAT matters).

    This matters to us, as we are a small Club (level 6) and have broken into the top 50 for the first time. Others are still playing and this error could affect our position.

    Appreciate an email answer, please. Thank you.

  • WGTShamWow
    926 Posts
    Sun, Jun 12 2016 8:54 AM


    I've a scoring question concerning a Clash contest.

    Our Club: Beaver Falls had 8 members scoring in this particular Clash vs Cheers. We scored a total of 487 points. The Cheers team had 2 members playing. They scored impressively at 212 and 202 points respectively. Our 487 beat their 414, yet they got the win AND the additional 600 points.

    Can you explain this to me like I'm a 9 year old, because, I don't care what kind of Math you use, it still doesn't add up to me and I've had College Math (as if THAT matters).

    This matters to us, as we are a small Club (level 6) and have broken into the top 50 for the first time. Others are still playing and this error could affect our position.

    Appreciate an email answer, please. Thank you.

    Hi Joecote253,

    The club that wins a clash receives a win bonus (+500 points) that is added to their score for the event. The High Score bonus (+100 points) goes to the club with the highest-scoring player, and is counted before the winner of a Clash is decided. If it was a close round, 487 vs 414 points for example, if the club with 414 points had the highest-scoring player they would receive 100 points before a winner was determined, giving them 514 points vs 487 points. Hope this info helps clear things up for you. 

    All the Best,

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Sun, Jun 12 2016 11:52 AM

    Hey Joe , The clash is no way a measure of success for your club ,   Congrats on making the top 50 ...Good luck

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jun 12 2016 12:59 PM

    This matters to us, as we are a small Club (level 6) and have broken into the top 50 for the first time. Others are still playing and this error could affect our position.

    How does it matter? Which advantage might be missed?

    Don't say "position" because nobody cares for second, maybe not even for first place. (Still Gregorian?)

    Don't say "winnings" because they are worthless, verbally: Worth nothing.
    Be warned: The flags and tee markers are said to produce errors in the CC tournaments.

    Anything else?

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2016 5:27 AM


    Hey Joe , The clash is no way a measure of success for your club ,   Congrats on making the top 50 ...Good luck

    Dead on. But a gosh darn good scheme for WGT to make a nice bundle of change over a period of a couple days,,lol. Got give props to the Creative Services dept.

    Changing gears;

    Some of our (ECC) members play - I am one who enjoys playing the game to pastime I am also a Club Owner /  member  / player who has never nor ever will hold back anyone of our Elite members from playing a Clash Event. If a player, ANY player for that matter in the entire WGT community enjoys participating in a Clash event then - GAME ON and have fun. 

    "I for one care less for them". 

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2016 5:33 AM

    "I for one care less for them". 

    Nice quote!

    "Some people like cupcakes better.
    I for one care less for them!"

  • Simpleton8
    56 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2016 2:01 PM

    Georgian wins because it's fixed like Wrestling.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2016 6:19 PM


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2016 10:14 PM

    Georgian wins because it's fixed like Wrestling.

    Nope. IMHO, they win with dedication and organisation.

  • Simpleton8
    56 Posts
    Sun, Jun 26 2016 8:15 AM

    Uhuh and I'm Big Foot.   If you want me to believe that they score close to 10,000 points every Clash then you must think I'm constantly high or looking for Mrs. Big Foot.