Our country club, Guys and Dolls, has been around for over five years. We are small, usually around 25-30 members, and that is only because we have always required members to stay involved in order to keep their memberships active. A few exceptions have occurred with long-time members who have let us know they are taking a break for a month (or two).
As a result, it is always welcome when we have new members join us to make up for those memberships which have been deleted. We could especially use some more "dolls" in our club right now.
You should be a legend tier or higher....if not, you won't be able to compete. And from experience, too many lower tier players don't stay long as a result of that fact. We do have "Legends Only" challenges each month with a sleeve of balls for the winner (which also keeps the Champions away). A monthly Guys vs Dolls competition is one of our trademark tournaments and has occurred since the first month of existance in April 2010. We often get 100% (or close to that) participation in this tournament and over 75% participation in most others.
Since we are a small club, everyone knows everyone's name, and we are like a family of sorts. We also change ownership from time to time to keep things fresh. BabeLincoln (Rachel) is our founder.
If this sounds good to you, send me a CC request!