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No laughing.Please.

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jun 15 2016 1:05 PM (14 replies)
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  • dyjech
    129 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2016 1:44 PM



  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2016 2:09 PM


    What is "blitz"

    It's closest to the hole, one shot per hole. you get a choice of different sets of nine holes (or 18, i guess i dont play it) on each course. solo and multiplay

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2016 2:11 PM


    What is "blitz"


    1. a violent and sustained attack, esp with intensive aerial bombardment;                          2. any sudden intensive attack or concerted effort: an advertising blitz, a drunk-driving blitz;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3. (American/Cdn footballa defensive charge on the quarterback.                                                                                                                                                                                  4. (transitive verbto attack suddenly and intensively                                                                        

    Word Origin                                                                                                                                       
    shortened from German Blitzkrieg or "lightning war"
  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2016 2:15 PM

    Or in Scotland -

    "Aww man am blitzed, staggerin' aw o'er the shop here"

                                 later followed by

    " Aww jeezuz naw help, ohhhhh ma heid....Dear Gawd ah wiz blitzed last night"

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2016 2:19 PM


    What is "blitz"

    It's a form of CTTH like Paul pointed out but you get points for different things like hitting the stick, successive greens hit, etc. Fast, fun golf fix.  :-)

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2016 2:25 PM



    What is "blitz"

    It's a form of CTTH like Paul pointed out but you get points for different things like hitting the stick, successive greens hit, etc. Fast, fun golf fix.  :-)

    Yeah, come to think of it I had fun playing it, dunno why I stopped.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2016 3:16 PM


    Or in Scotland -

    "Aww man am blitzed, staggerin' aw o'er the shop here"

                                 later followed by

    " Aww jeezuz naw help, ohhhhh ma heid....Dear Gawd ah wiz blitzed last night"

    ^^^^^^^^^^ and that goes for the men as well ;-)

  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2016 4:33 PM

    When I first joined here I played solo " Blitz" almost exclusively,  just to get a feel for the game / clubs / balls etc. I then moved on to 2 player format ( challenge ) and from there to ranked and Alt. shot. It's a good way to get an introduction to the game without getting any heckling from lower life forms. Gl with your game , an' have fun.

    Doc :)

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2016 5:11 PM


    When I first joined here I played solo " Blitz" almost exclusively,  just to get a feel for the game / clubs / balls etc. I then moved on to 2 player format ( challenge ) and from there to ranked and Alt. shot. It's a good way to get an introduction to the game without getting any heckling from lower life forms. Gl with your game , an' have fun.

    Doc :)

    Ahem...on behalf of lower life forms everywhere, heckling is how we "have fun"..:)

    just sayin'


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2016 2:45 AM


     later followed by

    " Aww jeezuz naw help, ohhhhh ma heid....Dear Gawd ah wiz blitzed last night"

    Nothing a can of Irn Bru and a Tunnock's Tea Cake won't fix.

    Failing that, hair of the dog......and a 5 day bender.

    As for the game, Blitz is fun with a couple of mates.....well by memory it was.

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