JanOve:Can someone explain how it is possible to get scores like this???? Do players With scores like this have some kind of cheating going on????
Jan, you have been a member since 2008, and you have only just noticed such scores?
Even an average player like me can score low sometimes, not often but occasionally.
Then I look at your course records
KIA 54, BPG 53, STG 54, OAK 58, CABO 56, CCC 56, MER 60, PINE 59, CB 56, PB 60
And I would bet most of those rounds you left a couple of shots out there.
Point is, many of those players have played 5 times as many rounds, taken copious notes and practiced until they have refined their game.
Add to that many of those low score rounds probably are unlimited games, and have a ton of restarts so they can post that one great score.
Then there are others like me, probably yourself, play occasionally without too much though or calculations.
Yes there are some players who may cheat, but probably not as many as you think. There are threads on this running concurrently, but to tarnish anyone who shots low is naïve.