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rated by 0 users
Thu, Mar 10 2011 5:22 PM (7 replies)
  • tradic
    3 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2011 6:14 AM

    My driving has got pretty damn good,my approach shots,WOW,my putting!!!!!!!!!!!! The worst.I really struggle to read the greens,the speed of them as well.My scores really suffer.

    Please is there any tips and advice  anyone can give me.

  • Splicer67
    18 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2011 11:22 AM

    As "Sir Nick" has always said (pratice,pratice,pratice)! Good Luck. BillMac;-)

  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2011 1:44 PM

    Buy a better putter but not the spider putter It's terrible.

  • HacMcDuffer
    1,094 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2011 2:07 PM

    Simple calculations.....  10 ft. putt.....2 inches up.

    Fast Green less 10 percent.........10 ft putt is now 9

    Uphill putt plus 1 ft. per inch of rise......2 inches up is 2 ft.

    9 ft. length plus 2 ft. for rise is an 11ft. putt.

    It won't help with your aim....but it will get the speed pretty close.

    You should be within range for your par putt.

    Hope it helps.


  • BustaSpliff
    417 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2011 2:12 PM

    lol  Thought this game was Free.  haha :O)

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2011 4:09 PM


    lol  Thought this game was Free.  haha :O)

    You get what you pay for......

  • rick27717
    85 Posts
    Thu, Mar 10 2011 4:00 PM


    My driving has got pretty damn good,my approach shots,WOW,my putting!!!!!!!!!!!! The worst.I really struggle to read the greens,the speed of them as well.My scores really suffer.

    Please is there any tips and advice  anyone can give me.

    tradic, use the beginner putter, its the best putter in the game,.. atleast until you unlock the daytona,...which by then you will have mastered the beginner putter,... and then  the daytona will totally wreck your game again.  ... ( practice,practice,practice).... :) I LUV THIS GAME!

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Thu, Mar 10 2011 5:22 PM

    Try this:

    The same strategies apply at WGT.  (I'm guessing the best players on here play the real game and understand the nature of breaking putts and their speed)