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VUSO and Brackets

Sat, Jul 30 2016 10:50 PM (22 replies)
  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Fri, Jul 1 2016 9:58 AM

    Hi everyone! I wanted to send out a short message and let you all know that we are experiencing delays in starting the second round of VUSO which seems to have caused a delay in many brackets closing. If you were expecting a credit award from a bracket, it is still coming, it is only delayed, the same goes if you were supposed to start the second round of VUSO this morning. 

    We are working through this as quickly as we can, and may also effect other tournaments that should have closed this morning, or other multiround tournaments with a new round beginning today. 

    Thank you for your patience! 


    UPDATE: We're still experiencing issues and are still working as fast as we can to resolve them. 

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Fri, Jul 1 2016 10:00 AM

    Thank you for the heads up CHAMP 


  • cappiest
    1,346 Posts
    Fri, Jul 1 2016 8:51 PM

    Will the time for each round be extended as there are many people busy this long weekend with the holiday?


  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Fri, Jul 1 2016 9:11 PM

    It's not just VUSO. All the payouts  have ceased.

  • cappiest
    1,346 Posts
    Fri, Jul 1 2016 9:25 PM


    It's not just VUSO. All the payouts  have ceased.

    UH oh.....WGT ran out of


  • MBaggese
    15,372 Posts
    Fri, Jul 1 2016 9:44 PM


    It's not just VUSO. All the payouts  have ceased.

     No, my RG  payout was delayed several hours this morning, but was paid out.


    @Trevor, don't start a stir!



  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sat, Jul 2 2016 3:27 AM

    No, my RG  payout was delayed several hours this morning, but was paid out.

    Sure, they know you're "connected" and close enough to hurt them ;-)

  • Jresh0817
    1,414 Posts
    Sat, Jul 2 2016 7:45 AM

    Another update????…


    Hi everyone! I wanted to send out a short message and let you all know that we are experiencing delays in starting the second round of VUSO which seems to have caused a delay in many brackets closing. If you were expecting a credit award from a bracket, it is still coming, it is only delayed, the same goes if you were supposed to start the second round of VUSO this morning. 

    We are working through this as quickly as we can, and may also effect other tournaments that should have closed this morning, or other multiround tournaments with a new round beginning today. 

    Thank you for your patience! 


    UPDATE: We're still experiencing issues and are still working as fast as we can to resolve them. 


  • roidrage03
    399 Posts
    Sat, Jul 2 2016 8:25 AM


    Will the time for each round be extended as there are many people busy this long weekend with the holiday?



  • MBaggese
    15,372 Posts
    Sat, Jul 2 2016 8:32 AM


    No, my RG  payout was delayed several hours this morning, but was paid out.

    Sure, they know you're "connected" and close enough to hurt them ;-)



    I just made Icon "an offer he couldn't refuse" ;)