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Tue, Jul 5 2016 11:39 AM (19 replies)
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  • awkracer8
    1 Posts
    Sun, Jul 3 2016 12:11 PM

    wind blowing left to right, over20mpg, I put diamond left of hole to allow for wind, but the ball goes left of the diamond some times. not right..


  • vitoandolini
    175 Posts
    Sun, Jul 3 2016 3:16 PM

    Doesn't matter. WGT will do what they want.....

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Jul 3 2016 3:30 PM

    Crosswinds seem to have a mind of their own these days. One thing I am certain of, at least in my case, is dinging a shot in a crosswind gets miserable, surprising results, usually on the negative side. The best results happen when you hit into the wind. Just miss into it by a slight margin. 

    FWIW, hitting the first line before or after the ding will straighten out a 20 mph crosswind. You lose a little distance but the drive goes straight.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,958 Posts
    Sun, Jul 3 2016 4:15 PM


  • hakman123
    2,119 Posts
    Sun, Jul 3 2016 6:05 PM


    wind blowing left to right, over20mpg, I put diamond left of hole to allow for wind, but the ball goes left of the diamond some times. not right..


    Sounds like you are not timing the hit (ding) on the swing meter.

    You do realize that hitting left of the centre line will make the ball go left, and hitting right of the centre line will make the ball go right? Yes?

    If you miss the centre line by far enough left (hit early) then the ball will go to the left of the pin, even left of the aiming diamond.

    Are you saying you timed the hit correctly (dinged the swing-meter) and with a 20 mph left to right wind -- the ball went to the left of the aiming marker??  Even accounting for variation - this seems absurd!

  • borntobesting
    9,735 Posts
    Sun, Jul 3 2016 11:15 PM

    This guy has been here over 9 years still just a tour pro using starter gear maybe even EZ Swing clubs ! Need I say more???

  • hakman123
    2,119 Posts
    Sun, Jul 3 2016 11:22 PM

    I had a problem with wind last night.

    My wife and daughters told me to get back into the study and play Golf again.

    So wind can be good!

  • tjune2016
    588 Posts
    Mon, Jul 4 2016 4:42 AM

    WGT controls everything didn't you know that???  I have said this many times    Hit into the wind  and the cup is 170 yds away   so u use a 180 yrd club and it goes 20 yds pass the hole??  wgt lovers will say it is the ball  or  the club yadda yadda yadda  no it is Wgt doing  it

  • Luciano18
    317 Posts
    Mon, Jul 4 2016 5:27 AM

    Funnee! !!

    Talking during the commercials again ??

    Nice one buddy 


  • iwb1
    110 Posts
    Mon, Jul 4 2016 6:03 AM


    Crosswinds seem to have a mind of their own these days. One thing I am certain of, at least in my case, is dinging a shot in a crosswind gets miserable, surprising results, usually on the negative side. The best results happen when you hit into the wind. Just miss into it by a slight margin. 

    FWIW, hitting the first line before or after the ding will straighten out a 20 mph crosswind. You lose a little distance but the drive goes straight.


    I have noticed this as well... sometimes. LOL There are times when the makeshift Draw Fade options using the different lines does in fact work to perfection without even moving the Aim Marker. Then there are time when moving the Aim Marker is needed in order for it to work properly.

    I will have to admit, that if there is any truth to the variances, I am glad something is being done to keep the game interesting and fun.



    Something I can across in an unlimited tournament.  Wind was 10-12 mph L to R. I Moved the aim marker left to account for wind, played the shot and missed ding by a hair early.  Ball went directly left of the aim point, instead of somewhere between aim point and hole. On a repeat play of the tournament I had the same wind at the same hole, only this time I just left the aim marker at the hole, played and missed the ding clear late. Much to my amazement, instead of the ball going way right it landed in about the same spot as the first time.

    Precision, Forgiveness? Or just a case of that hole, that wind, that is where your ball is going.

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