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Multiple account scammers

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Sat, Jul 23 2016 1:01 AM (90 replies)
  • maoriand1
    1,287 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2016 8:48 AM

    in the same time you are thinking to prevent multiaccounts and cheater we have a game that is always bad. very bad. the Vem is going to play the game for us. and the bug we have in the game are always bad. from distance shots to putt wgt play a game alone.

    why u don't concentrate your strenght to fix this game ???? and please don't replay to this msg telling that my pc is not good. my connection is no good or my flash player is not good.. the problem is your old servers. why to play a good game i have to play from 07 am to 10 am???? i can't play in the others moment of the day because the game is impossible. it seem that wgt prefer this kind of game where you miss shot, miss putt, loose balls and and and....

    in the clash you play a game and don't receive points...

    in the ready go there are a lot of holes that presents bug. (and you know that because i report everytime during the game)

    in the alternate the game is very very bad...all the distance are wrong..

    can u explain me why i play on beth page a ready go shooting a 28-29 and in alternate my shots goes always to 5-6 yrd from the hole??? i'm stupid or the game is bugged?

    i prefer have 10 tasor and 10 hannsi in the game that cheat but have a good platform where play and where my score not depend from your bug.

    sorry for my english



  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2016 9:07 AM

    Your English is good and your points are valid IMO.

    But they discussing multis who create a new account and with knowledge gained they cream off new players.

    WGT don't like it as any new player shooting a 74 or 75 on first go and sees a fellow "new player" on top of leaderboard with a 60 may just think to he'll with that I'm not playing this again......income therefore lost.


  • maoriand1
    1,287 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2016 9:25 AM

    i'm full agree to wgt polity about multiaccounters and cheaters.  i have no reply for that. i'm only telling that it could be better if they will try to fix the game , the courses, the shots...

    it frustrating when u spent a lot of time to understand the courses and when u finally shot a 28 29 in ready go after some days you are not able to make the same cards.. not for your fault.  i feel me cheated by wgt.


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2016 9:53 AM
    This post has been deleted.
  • maoriand1
    1,287 Posts
    Wed, Jul 13 2016 2:25 AM

    last update : improuvments to putt grid


    when i tell i feel me cheated by wgt:

    watch it in rewiev cam

    replay.aspx?ID=762b8ece 6984 4810 a559 a64200949323

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Jul 13 2016 2:59 AM


    as you know, there are many elements that come into play in regard to other players and their accounts. most of it we cannot comment on but trust me when I say that we are always on the lookout for players who break our rules and or abuse the system and act as appropriate.

    many times, it's a tough call as nothing is ever the same. i can tell you from personal experience, that other game companies take a different stance on these issues and just ban blindly with very little recourse. we believe in not just banning a player but to explain what they are doing wrong and how it can be fixed (if it's appropriate). we also try to give second chances and work with the player if possible. obviously, there are times when there is no way to go back and ban is appropriate.



    last update : improuvments to putt grid


    when i tell i feel me cheated by wgt:

    watch it in rewiev cam

    replay.aspx?ID=762b8ece 6984 4810 a559 a64200949323


    i have had that putt many times. that hole location sits on a slope and you simply hit too hard to make that with a break, so it lipped. at that speed, it had to go right in the middle or had to be hit with 3ft leet power and aimed another 2ft right. it's a tough putt and replay showing the line over the whole is frustrating but in this case, it's a correct result



  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Jul 13 2016 3:28 AM

    we believe in not just banning a player but to explain what they are doing wrong and how it can be fixed (if it's appropriate). we also try to give second chances and work with the player if possible. obviously, there are times when there is no way to go back and ban is appropriate.

    Hold the phone because I am not sure you always do that at all.

    I am told that many players (who set out to) can ding with a real high percentage, but someone got banned with a % I am told is no higher than several (out of the ones that want to ding).  I can only go by what I know / see / told recently, but it's by real sensible players who do not get it at all.     You will have to excuse me for not feeling warm and fuzzy with that above quote.  

    10,716 Posts
    Wed, Jul 13 2016 3:57 AM


    in the same time you are thinking to prevent multiaccounts and cheater we have a game that is always bad. very bad. the Vem is going to play the game for us. and the bug we have in the game are always bad. from distance shots to putt wgt play a game alone.

    why u don't concentrate your strenght to fix this game ???? and please don't replay to this msg telling that my pc is not good. my connection is no good or my flash player is not good.. the problem is your old servers. why to play a good game i have to play from 07 am to 10 am???? i can't play in the others moment of the day because the game is impossible. it seem that wgt prefer this kind of game where you miss shot, miss putt, loose balls and and and....

    in the clash you play a game and don't receive points...

    in the ready go there are a lot of holes that presents bug. (and you know that because i report everytime during the game)

    in the alternate the game is very very bad...all the distance are wrong..

    can u explain me why i play on beth page a ready go shooting a 28-29 and in alternate my shots goes always to 5-6 yrd from the hole??? i'm stupid or the game is bugged?

    i prefer have 10 tasor and 10 hannsi in the game that cheat but have a good platform where play and where my score not depend from your bug.

    sorry for my english



    I might be wrong but i think WGT try to mimic the wind in real golf regarding VEM. In real golf you often see players hitting what they thought a perfect shot only to look at the caddy and throw a blade of grass up above their head!  Slight wind variations occur often resulting in a shot going offline especially if you apply the slightest of draws into a slight wind change right to left . But where it becomes argumentative is the fact that  when you buy top clubs offering so many dots of precision you ( we) expect results to be  predictable and when we are playing in a very tight competitive game that 1 shot of variation VEM can and does cost the result we deserve! This is where the game has changed most over the years because the older clubs with less spin would land and roll up to the pin and VEM is less noticeable!  But i am happy the VEM is here because without that un-predictability factor it sure would be boring:) slamming shots into the pin like playing darts!!  The game would have no future at all.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,284 Posts
    Wed, Jul 13 2016 4:47 AM

    I can see your point but i have to disagree with the whole VEM thing. Regardless of its use or its purpose, it's just wrong for a game...let's focus for a moment on the key word: a game. There is no way a game to mimic real conditions. Every game has to be most of all, linear for all the players. Players have to be good enough to perform under certain parameters. He/she who performs better, wins.

    There is no such thing as simulating the real conditions. No player in real golf aims at west to approach at east. The whole concept of UL is just a joke. Furthermore, the roll of the ball in greens according to various breaks is absolutely out of place. In real life, ball ''feels'' the break more when has no weight and power. That means that last grids of any putt are most crucial for every attempt. Here is the opposite...first 2-3 grids are the most important to find your line, which is obviously quite wrong cause at first 5-6 ft the ball is speedy enough.

    No, it will not be boring, cause it's a game...and a game has to give credit on player's ability of knowledge and consistency, not trying screw him/her up on the first slight error. Is just least in my opinion.

    I have no trouble to see this game getting tougher. Let's downgrade the clubs, balls e.t.c. Introducing things like VEM is definitely not the wright way. 

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Wed, Jul 13 2016 5:09 AM

    we believe in not just banning a player but to explain what they are doing wrong and how it can be fixed (if it's appropriate).

    I watched the twitch stream (a couple of times) that you and shoe watched (the bits and pieces, as the connection seemed to suck) and my opinion is it would be fair to that player to allow him to share screens via skype, which won't interfere with his meter/game at all. 

    The email reply from WGT to him blew my mind. 40%? Only on a horrible day, by the top players, if they're using starter balls. 

    Just my thoughts on that one player. 

    Maybe you guys know something we don't. All I'm going by is the stream and the chat.