pdb1: There are so many player police a multi accounter doesn't have a chance here . I believe it is not an issue . You have to look for days to find a real example . If you could even find one .
Erm, say whaaaaaat? Look through lower tier monthlies, any higher prize monthlies, premium multi rounds, VT tour. You'll find plenty. Especially legend tier, which has some time ago (after the new system limited the amount of rounds they can play at lower tiers) become a playing ground for both restarts and multis.
Still enough of them around, I'll post a link of a particular CC on your wall. I'll delete it immediatelly, so nobody else can see it. But you'll find it in your email. Check out their top 20 in earnings and tell me if you find anything strange. Usernames being written in the same way, gear, same MO, low number of RR, etc. No actual proof whatsoever on my part, but it stinks to high heaven. And I don't believe for a second that the top 10 are people's 1st or only accounts.
A couple of "facts" you give that need straightening out:
1. If your account hasn't been disabled (per your request) by WGT, before you open a new one, you're a multi. According to WGT. Period, end of discussion on this.
2: In every tourney you compete against others. Competing against the course is BS. You can suck as bad as you like, if the other guy (in brackets) or other 49 people (in RGs) suck worse, you win. Despite the fact that the course slaughtered you. Again, period, end of discussion on the subject.
3. As written above, tourneys with any bigger prizes have imho a couple of multis or restarts in them.
4. You can of course talk more about the subject. But for the same reason, why I don't explain people the Quantum theory, please don't. Knowing something exists does not make one an expert on the subject.