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Multiple account scammers

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jul 23 2016 1:01 AM (90 replies)
  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2016 9:01 AM



    The avg in stats (71+) is the actual stroke play avg within the current tier.

    WGT avg (65) is a stroke play avg, artificially lowered due to MP wins (or RG wins, but not in "her" case, lol).


    Over 6 years here and I've never noticed that difference in a player's displayed average.

    Thank you for the enlightenment.

    Psst... Going by your own profile page you appear to have a new fan!   ;-)




    I wondered MP v rest too.  Me learnt as well, but off my low level it's easier LOL

    Looked at the profile too ............Even circus rabbits can have a hero.  A wall post to savour that LOL.  Could almost feel the 1/2 brain cell crunching that one out.


  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2016 9:08 AM

    Daaarn well nearly see his her meat and two on that pic

    Plenty more of the same in that top 20, not just the 2 "sisters" ;-) I love the positioning of the capital letters...

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2016 9:16 AM

    look bud have fun belittle others if you choose..sure it makes you feel better so im cool with that

    Erm, I'm sorry, but when the OP makes such unfounded and clearly painfully clueless accusations on players walls, I lose it and stop talking nice and trying to explain. She still doesn't get it anyway. Probably still thinking that anyone who reaches TM tier in 5 months is a multi, ffs. She belittled herself with dumb statements, I only called her out on them.

    As for my conversation with Pdb, I think I haven't belittled him (not my intention). I tried to explain things, where I thought he was mistaken. He can listen to my explanation or not, his choice and his right to think differently.

    But the lady is going around accusing people with fairy tales, she needed to be straightened out. If not for her, then for the people she's been wrongly accusing.

    P.S.: I don't have FB ;-)


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2016 9:23 AM


    Geezus Murphy, WGT is doing everything they can regarding this issue, not too long ago some of the best players in the game have been indefinately suspended due to most probably cheating. Multi-Accounters won't last for long, if you suspect someone of doing this just contact wgt via email and they'll look into it.

    This is a true statement ;D, I have a couple times reported players for multi accounting and within a day that account was shut down.


  • WGTShamWow
    921 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2016 10:28 AM



    Geezus Murphy, WGT is doing everything they can regarding this issue, not too long ago some of the best players in the game have been indefinately suspended due to most probably cheating. Multi-Accounters won't last for long, if you suspect someone of doing this just contact wgt via email and they'll look into it.

    This is a true statement ;D, I have a couple times reported players for multi accounting and within a day that account was shut down.

    Just to add, WGT doesn't allow multi accounting or accessing multiple accounts or starting over, its detrimental to our players and unfair. We do as much as possible to prevent multi accounting but we do appreciate the players taking the time to report players that are a little suspicious, as some can slip between the cracks. 

    Just in case some members don't know, if you believe a player is multi accounting or suspicious, you can always message customer service here and the will investigate the report. :)

    All the Best,

  • Chris1973M
    1,832 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2016 10:32 AM

     photo forum weeeeee_zpsx7zhkomx.jpg

  • PTrenter
    437 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2016 7:04 AM

    I do think WGT make an effort.  They certainly took notice when someone reported me as a restarter/multi when I first started out and was hitting good scores from the short tees.  My account was disabled for about a week while they investigated.  Not sure what they do but probably involves checking duplicate IPs.

    All seems a bit too much like hard work for little gain to me on the face of it.  I think some people will try and cheat just for the sake of it though and that's why I steer clear of the RGs

  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2016 8:42 AM

    wow, great story, glad WGT reinstated your account after doing dome due diligence... That's the hallmark of a great company!!! Cheers mate.