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Mon, Mar 14 2011 5:37 PM (1 replies)
  • borntobesting
    9,743 Posts
    Sun, Mar 13 2011 5:28 AM

    After reading what VHL said about Comodo Dragon I decided to test it. I must say so far anyway it is every bit as good as Chrome Iron. There is one slight problem that i encountered that i never had with Iron. If the game client is open and you try to watch a replay it won't load. i have to close the game client then watch the replay. Not a big deal just a slight nuisance. All in all it might even run the game smoother than Iron and that was a surprise. There is one big problem when you first install dragon though. During installation it asks you if you want to use dragon;s secure server. I chose yea and doing this disabled my network adapter. I had to use windows dianostics to repair my network adapter. I then uninstalled dragon and reinstalled it choosing not to use dragon's secure server and everything worked as it should. I will continue to test. 

    The security factor is very good as well. So far every time I chose to go to a secure site here like the pro shop dragon has asked me if I wanted to continue. It will not automatically go to a secure site without giving you a warning and asking if you want to continue. At least it has so far.(Edit) This is the first time you visit any secure site. After that it takes you to it, with out asking




  • MBaggese
    15,369 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2011 5:37 PM

    I tried it (dragon) yesterday and a few more holes today, meter was very smooth...but also was quite faster that when I run maybe if you use "i" balls to slow the meter down it's not as apparent, but I just use the cheap balls and can see quite a difference in meter speed.