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This load time is RIDICULOUS!

Mon, Mar 14 2011 11:57 PM (13 replies)
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  • nolanryan5714
    45 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2011 6:23 PM


    I did some inquiries and there are indeed some minor issues with the servers. We are looking into

    Thank you for being patient


    While I appreciate your looking into the matter, I would have to strongly disagree with the term "minor issues" related to the servers.

    This goes on and on and on.  How is it, with the amount of advertisements and money people spend on virtual equipment, that we cannot get a steady, fluid game?  Why are ridiculous things such as ENERGY BOOST LEVEL-UP DRINKS created, instead of repairing the ACTUAL GAME? 

    This is a major disservice to all of the loyal fans and friends made from this site. 

    Please FIX THIS.  Do not EVER put me on Community Spotlight again until this is done, also.



  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2011 7:28 PM

    Was cruising along and load back to normal until the bottom fell out about 15 minutes ago. 

    Now I am utterly convinced that server issues play a MAJOR role with meter performance.  While game was loading correctly (1 second changing view and 2-3 seconds between holes) I had one of the best meters I have had in over a year and was playing the best round of my tenure here.  -15 through 14 holes on STA from Legend tees.  Load issues started waiting to tee off on 15th hole.  For the remaining 4 holes it literally took a minute to load on several occasions and got countless "Load Time Errors" from WGT.  For the next 4 holes I couldn't get within 5 of center (after dinging all but one shot the previous 14 holes) and played those holes +1 to card a -14 under.  Did I miraculously lose all ability to time the meter?  Highly unlikely.

    Tried several things like closing browser, clearing caches, waiting much longer than 5 seconds after changing aim and holding at top of backswing until zone started to shrink, you name it.  Nothing worked.

    I know there are many other factors that effect meter performance, but kiss my a$$ if servers (or relays) aren't a significant portion of the equation.  Just started paying attention to loading as it correlates to the meter in the past few days.  Definitely need more observation to substantiate the argument but I swear there's something to it.

  • WiredBullets
    103 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2011 10:03 PM

    I said it once and I'll say it again. At this moment in time WGT is not going to put their efforts into fixing the game as long as people keep spending money and making sure they make profits. Until they stop making profits they will continue to simply find more ways to increase those profits instead of fixing the game. If they were to fix meter issues and load times there would be less money spent on balls being lost, tourney's being withdrawn from or lost, and people thinking they need to upgrade clubs to hit decent scores. It's business 101, if your company is making money there's no reason to change the business model. So by whining about things and then turning around and spending more money... youre only hurting your cause.


    And anyways.. with a few clicks of the mouse you can find out that WGT sees well over 100,000 unique IP hits per month.. yet in the few weeks ive been here it's the same, max 50 people complaining about meter issues and load times in the forums.. even if you take into consideration maybe 5000 people experience major issues that go unreported.. youre still only looking at 5% of the players that have "major" issues.. which is  a very small amount. I'm sure the other 95% have problems as well but not what one would consider "major" and probably not all the time

    I know I get the occasional issue but its not anything that clearing my cache and restarting my computer wont make go away for a few days.

  • RUSTY40
    255 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2011 11:57 PM

    WierdBullets  said it the best--"its business 101". But the reality is that- it is sad. Sad that the best  computer golf game anywhere has only 4 courses set up for full play. The reasons I hear for this course limit baffles me. But then I thought about it for a while and realized the "new" business paradigm. Get as many people to play at the same time as possible. CTTH cheaper to photograph. Make all clubs available to all players to generate more cash flow. Generate more and more advertising revenue. Show a positive consistent balance sheet.  Define your competition and if you don't have the resources to compete then look to be acquired. 

    I play because I love to golf. But this is a game and it's the most realistic golf game I have ever played with one exception---every lie plays flat with the exception of putting. Imagine the effort it would take to make a downhill sidehill lie flight the ball accurately. Wanna see more realistic scores then let the lies count. But then the game becomes more difficult and casual / new players would play less. 

    Real golf is outside. That game belongs to me because it's real. This game is the business property of WGT. 

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