I could point out all the mistakes in your post, but it's hardly worth the time. If it was Anna that was the other member who quit, I get the the impression she's about to to dump this club again.
As for the owner of Red Dirt who kicked me out. It was because I posted a question on the forums as to what a member should consider when selecting a club to join. How viscious and inconsiderate a question that is. I had not intended to quit without a valid reason. But JimBob's infantile attitude made the decisision for me.
As for my excessive requests. I asked that the a few of the many available club tournaments be used for 18 hole easy tournaments, so the recent bounds of 50% bonus XP points be used to bolster the clubs level. Let's count. A 9 hole game gets 190 points (plus the 50% 95 points). If a new player strives for awards, an 18 hole tourney can get 400 + a score of 57 can get an additional 640 points. Then the 880+ CDP points. Not to mention the 50% bonus. So a smart player could get several thousand points. And that's not even including the extra passes for playing in the clash. In the last chlash, I racked up over 8,000 points. Could have been a few thousand more if JackTrash51 (Tom) bothered to spend 5 minutes to add a tournament that were easier to play for those than less than level 100 champions.
As for picking a club to join, definitely join one. There are lots of reasons, like putting meters, shot aids. And some clubs have superior players who are generous enough to share their expertise with aspiring players. Not sure I'd count Tom as one of them. But if JimBog in RedDirt would have realized I was only asked an innocent question. I would have been happy to have stayed there. He not only knew his stuff, but was was not stingy about sharing it. Red Dirt had a few masterful golfers. And they weren't one of those cliquey clubs who frowned on Hacks, amateurs and pros who were anxious to learn.
I ended up joining NYC. Not only am I a native NewcYorker, but the club caters to those of us who prefer iPads as a platform. And if you're lucky enough to have an iPad Pro, the graphics are a dream. They're not up at level 15 (which if you'd read my post, would have seen that level,17 doesn't add a thing to being at levelm15).
And, hopefully, since I added 117,000 XP points to Blunt Diamond in two months, I'll be able to help,NYC get to level,15. I only wish I could have taken all thosevpoints with me. BDGC surely didn't appreciate my efforts.
pick a club carefully, although there are few advantages of on overvanother. Find one with good people, and do your part to help,grow the club. If you find a club with a selfish, inconsiderate owner. Even if he's/or she's mannaged to reach champ or even legend, don't stick around they turn out to be a dweeb.
WGT is a lot of fun. More than 500 awards to pursue. Just don't make the mistake I did trying to rush to get to Master. And, if you don't want to end up on my block list, don't forfeit games, just because you might get beat by a girl. Especially since my gender is in question, and I don't look at all like my avatar. (I was really just trying to get some Nigerian Prince to gift me some balls). I got balls. Just not those big black slow ones. HINT, HINT, boys...