I played a normal matchplay round against someone, 9@#J@/;, this person joined 2 days ago, but was able to land within inches of pin, new exactly how to aim for wind, could putt from 20+ feet on Kia's rollercoaster greens and knew exactly what yardage to use for certain holes exactly like someone who has been a member for years. And when i asked him,"your playing well for someone who's been a member for 2 days", he replied, "your thinking too much, i'm just lucky"
The few ranked rounds he's played were 90,80 and another ridicilous score, but when it came to matchplay he was unbeleivable.
What can i do to warn others about this person just incase they play him for credits or something, as this is a BLATANT 2nd acountholding sandbagger.
BUT, in case i may be totally mistaken, does anyone else know anyone or can play as good as a legend after being a member for 2 days? If someone can pick up the game in 2 days and play as well as a tour master and legend then i will gladly appologize.