Replay #1 - an 80 yard wedge into 20 mh wind, no spin
Replay #2 - Full back spin drive into an 18 mph slightly against L>R crosswind
Replay #3 - my putt on #13 the third of 3 random holes
Conclusion - the meter is wonderful, the spin lack of, doesn't matter too much as one can make adjustments for that, and driving distance is not too good.
Durability sucks as usual, I think durability on every ball sucks and WGT know it.
___end Quote_____________________________________________
Ok sorry CT but I have ta vent and its not on Champion but wgt management of programming and making it right with those who lost winnings to another update programming shortfall.
So this ball is not just bad performance but irregular, hideous even. why do you sell such bad equipment as this?
And don't think the reduction of certain balls duration was not noticed either! Very bad to do without notice and gives poor consumer relations and confidence!
WOW Champion you folks at wgt call it a gift for mistake ball we call it salt in the wound that is caused by repeated programming errors sheesh we thought you liked your costumers
That ball is no gift its a insult REALLY.
no gift would have been better just admit and move on or those who ask for something for there loss of winnings etc..
I have spent in the high hundreds of bills over the years like approaching $600 maybe even more so just wow guys!
I played a cc member using the same ball and they had the same experience seems like a real slap in the face to offer this ball for wgt's programming failure and mistake when the ball is so bad and they knew this from prior feedback when the ball came out!!!
Come on guys this is no way to treat paying costumers that ball is not worth the time it took to make it and should not be given even for free!!! so sad! Bitting my tongue!
Da Ghost n Friends @ GDBN CC