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Blocking Players who've bailed ??

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Wed, Jul 12 2023 4:31 AM (11 replies)
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  • roadtoad46
    4 Posts
    Sun, Jul 31 2016 2:34 AM

    I only play Android and have struggled my way along to where I'm running into an epidemic of pros and low-scoring amateurs who disconnect when they get into trouble rather than show some class and finish out the match.  I've been writing down their handles and would like to block them so I don't have my time and effort wasted ... but I can't find a way to block them so I'm assuming you have to be connected when you do?  If so, its worthless when you're dumped by some childish jerk who's afraid his score will rise.

    Is there a penalty for forfeit?  There ought to be - as its really frustrating to be working on a fine score and have some puke cut you off.

  • WillieSinkit
    1,752 Posts
    Sun, Jul 31 2016 12:27 PM


    Click here .....



  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Sun, Jul 31 2016 2:20 PM

    "Blocking" as described above will stop communication but not game encounters. There's also no penalty for forfeits - ev1 is free to leave the party whenever he wants to though it's certainly discourteous.

    You might take one possible consequence from these issues: Play multiplayers for no other reason than fun - discons and quitters won't hurt that much that way...

  • roadtoad46
    4 Posts
    Sun, Aug 7 2016 10:38 AM

    oh that blows when you're trying to get your average down

  • lonniescott711
    4,204 Posts
    Sun, Aug 7 2016 1:29 PM


    oh that blows when you're trying to get your average down

    Your profile shows that you havent played a single ranked round or any rounds for that matter . No A/S or M/P either so what are you playing  with no score history ?


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sun, Aug 7 2016 3:08 PM



    oh that blows when you're trying to get your average down

    Your profile shows that you havent played a single ranked round or any rounds for that matter . No A/S or M/P either so what are you playing  with no score history ?


    Maybe mobile players don't have their activity recorded?..stats show he's been on the site for a month and has yet to pick up a idea.


  • borntobesting
    9,679 Posts
    Sun, Aug 7 2016 8:33 PM

    Most games played on mobile, even the coin games are 3 hole stroke play games and as such are played in the practice mode and are not recorded in the players activities. This can be very misleading. A player who apparently has not played at all could have 100's of 3 hole games and be a very good player. 

  • roadtoad46
    4 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2016 5:42 AM

    oh we have 9-hole and tournaments and clubs to join.  I play android under a different handle; and given some of snobby peck-sniffing into some others records who've posted I've seen, I'm quite happy running in stealth mode here.  It's just a twitch game, but with a striking resemblance to what I experience on my real-life home course - and having played sims since my first in the early-mid 80's this is clearly the best ever.  Yes, I score well and have invested in good equipment, but its so frustrating to meet jerks on the course that either no nothing of proper golf etiquette and think trash talk is cool or want to quit and not get their average bumped, but keep me from having a really fine round; so I really wish I could block them from being assigned to me in the draw.  It doesn't seem that hard to program to happen.  Anyway, thanks for listening and have fun out there.

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2016 8:52 AM

    It appears that the tournament games available to PC players are also available to mobile players so you can play 9 and 18 hole ranked rounds on a mobile app. It is also interesting that you can play for cash on the mobile app using using something called Cashplay app. Things are different on mobile.

  • Lonewolf748
    30 Posts
    Tue, Jul 11 2023 9:44 AM

    Beginning ever match write down players name if they bail go to friends,blocking player type in name then your done at least with next time

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