I can honestly say i have never quit a match delibrately in the middle of it, but this well was just wrong and i have never ever seen anything think like this from an Amatuer who is L65 & Avg's 72
1st B&C made a solid par xxx lovely shot in 2ft birdie xxx 1up
2nd B&C missed 20ft birdie xxx lovely shot in 8ft birdie xxx 2up
3rd B&C 15ft Birdie xxx 22ft Birdie xxx 2up
4th B&C 3ft birdie xxx 6ft birdie xxx 2up
5th B&C & xxx both in front bunker xxx makes vn out to 2ft par xxx 3up
6th B&C par xxx 2ft birdie xxx 4up
7th B&C chip to 4ft par made xxx chip to 4ft par made xxx 4up
8th B&C 3ft birdie xxx par xxx 3up
9th B&C par xxx 3ft birdie xxx 4up
10th B&C par xxx par xxx 4up
11th B&C par xxx 3ft birdie xxx 5up
I have changed the name of my oppoent to xxx as it is only fair on them,
I didnt even bother playing the rest of the game as this was just a waste of time
AS you can seen from the game above, I got hammered but what i can all call as a very susipous person, What a f*cking joke this game was, i have never seen a proper amatuer who averages nearly 72 shoot -7 after 11 holes round a difficult course like Bethpage with difficult winds and tourney green speeds