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Mon, Mar 21 2011 5:35 PM (18 replies)
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  • craigswan
    31,545 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 3:20 PM

    Lizzies hot sandwich - no wait it is lizzie that is hot or whatever .

    I remember when bank hole in the wall cash machines first developed with a glass front which opened and closed on request .Along came this drunk with fish and chips and the glass went up trapping his meal on the inside . .

  • evilcheezo
    2 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 3:23 PM

    I assumed that was a picture of your caddy hunting  in the closet for your golf shoes

  • bumstead69
    7 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 9:40 PM

    Hi I'm new also but found out there a lot quiters in this on-line game

  • jimbomd
    7 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2011 8:27 AM

    Well I wish you a wonderful Monday from beautiful Maryland.  I spent way to much idle time pondering your mysterious loss of nutritional samies.  My razor intellect has been piqued regarding your unfortunate loss.  After much consideration I have come to only two possible solutions to your misery.  The first; after leaving your Mum and Dad's, ( no doubt comfy, splendid and charming country cottage.  See " The Holiday ") you placed one of the aforementioned samies on the top of your car.  The result of course was the unfortunate ending of the samies intended gastrointestinal fate.  The poor samie suffered the ignominious ending of either flopping off your car laying unrequited in a puddle of goop roadside.  Or some undeserving beasty ravaged your samie for it's own glutinous vice.

    The second scenario is far more insidious.  Dare I say, horrific for your mind to consider.  The shuttering revelation is .......  " It was your Father !!!!! ".  ( Que reality shattering and overly dramatic music here )  Yes! you heard me.  Don't turn away.  Let's face this horror together.  Your father, having to watch painfully time after time,  year after year,  your mum's careful almost doddeling attention to your samies.   All the while his lonely suffering going unnoticed, dare I say completely disregarded.  Imagine his immense suffering as his hunger,  his soul being completely set aside like an overly saturated kleenex.  " ENOUGH! ENOUGH!"  he must have proclaimed.  Of course quietly to himself.  After caring for her offspring,  your mother went to the other room to finish her packing.  Your father, slowly .... cunningly moves closer to the offending samies.  He SNATCHES one of the vile samies!  He no doubt skulks off to some dark corner of the house to satisfy his nefarious purpose.  " NO MORE! NO MORE!  will my hunger go unrequited and disregarded."   He ravages the samie like a ravenous beast.  Sneering through samie filled bicuspids.  Knowing all along the pain you will feel,  indeed as he has suffered for all these years.  " Where is my fourth samie? " she will tearfully ponder.  " I ATE IT DEAR LIZZIE!  ME! YOUR FATHER!"   He no doubt wiped his maw,  covered the remaining samies.   Dastardly disguising his ruthless deed.

    Go ahead and take a moment.  We all understand.  You will recover from this tragedy and dare I say,  we all of us,  your WGT family are here for you.


    Be well dear Lizzie..... be well.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2011 12:01 PM

    Two things.And both are as important as the other is unimportant.But the MOST important thing here is,and it is one of the two important things mentioned above is SPELLING.

    For the Love of Jesus H Christ and all his family,his father,his mum and anyone else who knows him,it is QUITTERS.Two T's.not one.TWO.Jeez.

    I forget my other point but it was to do with sandwiches.

    Lizie x

  • Bristoluk
    412 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2011 12:52 PM



    love you lizzie, but you are wierd  girly


  • jimbomd
    7 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2011 2:07 PM

    Not to put too fine a point on it, .... but ...... " Lizie ".  Perhaps our ( z ) button got a bit sticky with the undiscovered samie?


    Jim    ;) 

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2011 4:47 PM


    Would that irony be spent less fortuitous,thence thereafter the dawn of enlightenment wouldst light fickle candled way where dimned eyes wouldst hencewise not have spied such japery balanced keen upon such height from which would soliloquy own no heed of such transitory junket astofore sad realm of barren pasture laid waste of senses pilatory heaped misery wise, pile upon maddened pile.


    izziel xx

  • MioKontic
    4,643 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2011 5:35 PM



    Would that irony be spent less fortuitous,thence thereafter the dawn of enlightenment wouldst light fickle candled way where dimned eyes wouldst hencewise not have spied such japery balanced keen upon such height from which would soliloquy own no heed of such transitory junket astofore sad realm of barren pasture laid waste of senses pilatory heaped misery wise, pile upon maddened pile.


    izziel xx

    Hey Lizzie, I di'n't realise you were bi-linguisticable and such and whatnot.  So what languagy is that there then cos I can't find the right dictioron in my 45-volume collectable to make any sensation of it... if ya know what I'm sayin', ya know, sayin', and such whatnot, and such.

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