Thanks for the reply and I look forward to reading more of your posts and perhaps we can have a game when I am more proficient. Glad to meet you ... on - line wise... that is.
Well to be fair (To me of course) I think we should play BEFORE you get any better.It isn't that I dislike losing,only the other day I lost a sandwich so heaven knows Im used to it.Well when I say I lost a sandwich,what it was,Mum had made me some because she and Dad were going away and she always does that-long story-end result,she makes me sarnies too,which is something of a false economy since I have to drive all the way to salcombe to pick them up.Anyway,they were meant for lunch the next day,but as usual I ate them on the drive back(Not an economy drive in so many ways).Thing is,I only remember eating three of them,and I felt there should have been four,which left me understandably nonplussed.
I have analysed the drive home,relating objects and landmarks to the story I was listening to on the CD,and hoping that by association,I would remember what part of which sandwich I was eating at what part of the CD story in relation to where I was at that point.No luck,although there were vague gaps,but none in my mind,large enough for me to have consumed a whole sandwich unnoticed.Well not a WHOLE sandwich,since they were cut in half diagonally,the way I prefer although I doubt that this would detract from the taste and nutritional value of the sandwich.So by now I expect you will be recognising my dichotomy but given the parameters available,I doubt in all sincerity that you will be able to help.Unless you were passing by and saw me eating a sandwich,yet even then you wouldn't know whether it was the apparent missing one or not.
On the other hand,.I have four fingers.
Lizzie xx