Well It took a long while , But after 1350 plus ranked rounds,Maybe I have finally figured some thing out. So I thought I would share what I've found ,and maybe some frustration levels can be lowered. Personally my meter used to dance like the cast of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. But I have now played the last 15 rounds without a meter studder ......So if you are having trouble you might wish to give this a try.
Drives, approach shots, and wedges..... Mouse to desired distance and hold for 15 seconds,then shoot.
Putts.....mouse to desired distance and wait 5 seconds after the bars in the center of the meter have stopped moving, then proceed with your shot.
Don't know if this will work for you but it sure has for me.....and has made and already fun game ......even funner ....is that possible.
Well folks see you on the links and the best of luck to all.