Well I'm a long ball zinger .I've got golden golf fingers ,and I'm loved every where I go.
Don't really care who is playin fast ,don't care who's playin slow.
Well this games designed to blow your mind ,but a mind can't really be right.
Till the WGT guys take a look at this post and put my picture on Community spot light.
Spot light .....gonna see my picture on the cover.....gonna wake up the kids and call my mother .
Spot light....gonna see my smilin face on the cover of Community spot light.
I got a freaky old doggy by the name of Honey, She chases kitty's round the town.
Thirty nine hundred birdies and thirteen hundred fifty rounds
I got all of the Calloway balls ' credits can buy ,so I never have to play with stones.
And I keep getting richer but I can't get my picture on Community spot light.
Spot light gonna see my picture on the cover .
Gonna wake the kids and call my mother
Spot light ....gonna see my smilin face on the cover of the Spot light
I got a bunch a little teenage amatures ,who'll do any thing I say.
I got a genuine Indian hacker ,who's teaching me a better way.
Now its all designed to blow my mind ,but my mind just can't get right
Like the blow that'll get ya when you get your picture ....On the community spot light.
Spot light ......gonna see my picture on the cover .
Gonna wake the kids and call me mother.
Spot light .....gonna see my pretty mug on the cover of the spot light
On the cover of the spot light.