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Web site address? I'd like to know more of what your all about.
Thanks Tim
Hi Tim!
Here ya go!!!
Come join us and just play for FUN !!!
111golfdemon: Come join us and just play for FUN !!!
I would, but I got bookies to support..(:
Does this Country Club usually participate in the Country Club Clashes? If so, what is a typical finish? My brother and I play daily he's a Master and I'm a Tour Pro (67.3 avg so nearing master) and we are looking for a competitive club. Our present CC doesn't seem to be that active as typically less than 10 play in the Clash.
Gene (Pizzad00d)
what has wgt clash games got to do with it?
nobody can be serious about wgt clashes
adaputter: what has wgt clash games got to do with it? nobody can be serious about wgt clashes
The Georgian and Majestic Mtn CCs seem quite serious about it...not sure if a TP and Master would have much of a role though. No offense intended, I've no idea how clashes are even set up..just that it costs a lot of credits per player, for not much in return.
You have to excuse my ignorance. I'm very new at this... Started in August. As I said, we do play every day and would be a good add to your Country Club, if you're wanting new members. My brother is a WGT Nation member, I haven't been asked, yet.