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Mon, Dec 28 2020 12:17 AM (24 replies)
  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Aug 19 2016 1:59 PM

    I was going through the pro shop and looking at all of the different balls as Im thinking about an upgrade . I noticed that the ball pricing starts at 10 credits a sleeve and goes up to 800 credits a sleeve for nike balls .

    So I was thinking why not have a 1 ball purchase option for players . This would allow players to purchase and try a ball without having to buy a whole sleeve . WGT could charge from say 25 credits -100 credits a ball which most players would be willing to pay to try out a ball .

    So instead of players having to  buy say a 400 credit sleeve of balls only to decide they dont like them give them the option to buy 1 ball at say 75 credits and try it out instead .It shouldnt be hard to do and it would be a plus for both WGT and players as well . Food for thought

  • AlexBorgesjr
    1,305 Posts
    Fri, Aug 19 2016 2:44 PM


    Lonnie you yourself know How much I love this game, but let me tell you why they would never ever sample the balls for free 1 at a time, for the same reason your meter goes array and you hit your new Max ball 8 dollars a swing and it goes out of bounds, they have lost nothing, there double standard with their golf equipment and the balls is out right Illegal , you lease the equipment, and yes over time even the clubs aren’t as effective as they once were, I read somewhere here . Anyway the virtual ball could be replaced/ it could have a certain number of strikes, or number of holes, whatever, but the reason is greed, greed, greed. I love using all the balls the 10 cent ones and the 8 dollar ones, but 95 percent they have forced me to seek a less expensive way to play the game.  One again there loss, I still shoot usually under par, I just wonder I I had stuck with the Nikes, or Max, maybe I could have been a top 5 or 10 player consistently, what does a virtual lost ball lost versus a found one. You have to buy a new ball, if they weren’t so cheap, they could most likely make more money in the long run, but in this world of instantgradification I will continue 95 percent of the time use a 10 cent a sleeve ball and on rare times us a expensive one.     Alex


  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Aug 19 2016 4:00 PM



    Lonnie you yourself know How much I love this game, but let me tell you why they would never ever sample the balls for free 1 at a time, for the same reason your meter goes array and you hit your new Max ball 8 dollars a swing and it goes out of bounds, they have lost nothing, there double standard with their golf equipment and the balls is out right Illegal , you lease the equipment, and yes over time even the clubs aren’t as effective as they once were, I read somewhere here . Anyway the virtual ball could be replaced/ it could have a certain number of strikes, or number of holes, whatever, but the reason is greed, greed, greed. I love using all the balls the 10 cent ones and the 8 dollar ones, but 95 percent they have forced me to seek a less expensive way to play the game.  One again there loss, I still shoot usually under par, I just wonder I I had stuck with the Nikes, or Max, maybe I could have been a top 5 or 10 player consistently, what does a virtual lost ball lost versus a found one. You have to buy a new ball, if they weren’t so cheap, they could most likely make more money in the long run, but in this world of instantgradification I will continue 95 percent of the time use a 10 cent a sleeve ball and on rare times us a expensive one.     Alex


    Its not to sample a ball for free but the option to make single ball purchases . It would benefit WGT because its easier to sell individual balls to a player to try out than a sleeve at 400 credits . I would rather spend 100 credits to try a top nike ball for purchase than to spend 400 credits and find that I dont like that particular ball . 

    The option wont hurt the game and it would be there for those players who wish to use it . I just spent 250 credits on 33 Callys not sure if I like them any more after not playing with them for awhile . Im now down to 2 balls remaining and looking at other balls .

    Will I keep spending credits hunting for a better ball not at all . Maybe another purchase but at the same time I too can play with the 65 credit Tour SDs and be happy all the same So this is why the one ball option would be nice to have . I dont mind spending credits but I dont like wasting them .


  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Fri, Aug 19 2016 6:35 PM

    So instead of players having to  buy say a 400 credit sleeve of balls only to decide they dont like them give them the option to buy 1 ball at say 75 credits and try it out instead .It shouldnt be hard to do and it would be a plus for both WGT and players as well . Food for thought

    I've thought the same thing (i.e. that having the option to purchase 1 ball instead of a sleeve of 3 would be nice). I don't see them implementing it. But if they were to implement it, you can be sure that the cost of a single ball would be higher than if you just divided the cost of a sleeve by three. In other words, if the cost of a sleeve were 450 credits, I bet they would make the cost of a single ball either 175 or 200 credits, rather than simply making it 150 credits. 

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 8:41 AM


    So instead of players having to  buy say a 400 credit sleeve of balls only to decide they dont like them give them the option to buy 1 ball at say 75 credits and try it out instead .It shouldnt be hard to do and it would be a plus for both WGT and players as well . Food for thought

    I've thought the same thing (i.e. that having the option to purchase 1 ball instead of a sleeve of 3 would be nice). I don't see them implementing it. But if they were to implement it, you can be sure that the cost of a single ball would be higher than if you just divided the cost of a sleeve by three. In other words, if the cost of a sleeve were 450 credits, I bet they would make the cost of a single ball either 175 or 200 credits, rather than simply making it 150 credits. 

    Yeah Rob you and Alex are probably right it wouldnt work . WGT would let their greed get in the way and mess everything up . They can never seem to see the forest for the trees . They coludnt handle an increase in ball sales and be satisfied unless they suck the life out of it .

    Oh well back to the drawing board maybe we`ll just stick with the fixing existing game issues and be done with that . After all we know that wont happen either . :-(


  • SplashLewis
    373 Posts
    Thu, Aug 25 2016 11:58 AM

    Dont know if it's greed, because there are plenty doable, simply implemented ways for them to make more money. Like your suggestion and other suggestions that speed the game up by at least 75%.  Greed is definitely inconsistent at best.

  • JohanTV
    213 Posts
    Fri, Aug 4 2017 3:04 AM


    I am using only starter balls till now but finding it more and more difficult to compete and ding properly. Buying expensive balls that last only a limited time is not something I want to do or consider.


    What I would consider is to RENT BALLS for a limited time as a month, 3 months or a year.

    This means you pay a fixed amount a period and can play the ball for exactly that period.

    If WGT would implement this for their own WGT balls exclusively, I think a lot of players would rent these WGT balls in stead of not buying anything or stop playing.


    My suggestion for a month renting is 3 times the regular purchase price.

    So a sleeve of WGT GI3-S costs 99+, Renting them for a month would be 297+.

    (3 month renting will be 2,5 time the regular price (99 x 2,5 x 3 = 742,5 cr) and year renting will be twice the regular price (99 x 2 x 12 = 2376 cr).


    If players quit playing after renting balls or play less as they normally would do, WGT would have their prepayments and steady income so it's a win situation for them also.

    Renting will keep players at WGT as they prepaid already.

    The topplayers will probably buy the other, none-WGT balls anyway (If they are better as WGT balls!), so this renting solution will probably also not harm their business model on the more expensive balls.


    I hope WGT will consider implementing this renting option.




    @WGT. I don't have to be paid for this free advice, just give me a lifetime free usage of the ball of my choice and other equipment.😁



  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Fri, Aug 4 2017 10:11 AM


    First, the idea has been suggested before. So, it's a good thing you don't want to be paid for free advice that has previously been mentioned. :-)  By the way, the idea didn't appear to get any traction.

    And second, your pricing scheme is way off. To be attractive to WGT, I would guess that they would want at least 1,500 credits per month for the balls you mention.

  • JohanTV
    213 Posts
    Fri, Aug 4 2017 2:11 PM

    Hi Robert,

    Thanks for your feedback. It sounds plausible it has been suggested before. I just didn't know. It's a shame I will now miss my free balls ;-)

    As far as I know for 1,500 credits I can buy 45 GI3-S balls. Durability is 125 hits a ball so I could almost play Nine 9-holes daily for a whole month. So 1,500 as a monthly renting price seems unrealistic to me (and indeed attractive to WGT).

    Anyway, renting balls seemed like a good idea for us and WGT as well.


  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sat, Aug 5 2017 8:07 AM

    When considering future actions by WGT, a person should always factor in "unrealistic." :-)
