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Time to say so long.

Thu, Dec 1 2016 4:40 AM (216 replies)
  • joemt825
    124 Posts
    Sun, Nov 27 2016 1:04 PM

    What I was getting at is, no one really cares if anyone stays or goes.  Don't like the game, just stop playing.  No need for a big, farewell paragraph. 

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sun, Nov 27 2016 1:05 PM

    If a tree falls in the forest, but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

    Actually, a better question is if a man goes out into the forest and says something and woman is not around, is the man still wrong? 

  • biteme100
    156 Posts
    Sun, Nov 27 2016 1:08 PM

    Duh! Yes

  • harryskunk
    1,631 Posts
    Sun, Nov 27 2016 1:30 PM

  • cobojoe
    2,126 Posts
    Sun, Nov 27 2016 1:54 PM

    Wow is this another swan song? If so, that's the closest I've been to a bird in awhile!


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Nov 27 2016 4:35 PM


    I am about to leave for a similar reason. I am fed up with the inconsistancies of the game The game is not fun when you can't sink a putt for days, then all of a sudden you can't miss. Tired of haing a wind at your back but the ball doesn't travel the full club distance then the next shot goes farther with the wind in your face. The game is profit driven,which I understand but doesn't make for a satisfying game The real game is frustrating enough yet this pos game makes me more frustrated Maybe if I spend a couple hundred on imaginary clubs the game wil be more forgiving but i'm not buying.  

    What a ridiculous pathetic whine. High level low tier player who knows very little.

    The odd thing is your stats are not that bad, which to me indicates you mainly play practice rounds or quit if you are not playing well. More than likely the latter. And if they are practice games - I bet you only play from baby tees.......

    Not a member of a CC, never plays multiplayer games and only one friend....says a lot about you and the "world is against me" attitude. Play with other players - you would learn.

    Average is 76.....not too bad and probably better than you score in real golf....but you want easy - probably an ex TWO player....2 minutes playing the game and you are an expert.

    This game talks a lot of learning - I have over 2000 rounds and I am still learning

    You have primarily low level clubs with some good ones - but you are buying premium balls. That proves you have very few clues in what you are doing. With those recent balls, you could have upgraded clubs and used a cheap WGT ball.....

    But many players like myself made it to masters with ONLY starters clubs....what is your excuse?

    Leave if you want, no-one really gives a shite.....unless your one friend does.


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sun, Nov 27 2016 6:23 PM

    IMHO, It seems the people who publicly post their "adieus" don't have many (if any) friends. They also tend to invest the least in time or money to properly equip themselves and learn the game.

    Why would anyone join an interactive site and not try to meet people? From there, build a FL, invest a little time and money to improve, and enjoy the experience for what it is. Instead, they take time to prattle off a farewell to an uncaring audience.

    The one other commonality is most invariably return.

    Do you suppose their RL is like this?

    Shame, really.


  • pmm711
    5,767 Posts
    Sun, Nov 27 2016 9:06 PM

  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Mon, Nov 28 2016 6:50 AM



    Apparently I was wrong, the community gives a very big sh!t indeed about this guy leaving.

    Phred was responding to a different guy promising threatening to quit. His response wasn't aimed at the OP.

    I made that post because I was one of the first to reply to the OP and I suggested someone with so few posts leaving wouldn't create many ripples in the pond.

    The fact that we're now on page 21 suggests otherwise.  The subject has jumped about a fair bit but the fact remains that someone created a thread that has already reached more pages than they have posts.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Nov 28 2016 7:40 AM


    True, but others have since decided to enlighten us with their distaste for the game and plans to exit. This may explain the thread length. There should be a category developed (like with CC ads), so people don't have to start a new thread each time they feel the need to publicly bemoan the site and threaten to leave.
