I thought no hardware parameters of ones' computer is ever changed during gameplay.
Would this not actually be a software parameter that changed?
On this same note, a few years back. Can not remember actually what happened, but one day my mouse quit doing something it had done every other day just fine. Using setpoint on a Logitech mouse. Rolled back to a MS driver and all was good. Icon may remember me questioning it at the time, or may not.
Using the same mouse today with a setpoint Logitech driver and all is well.
Many things change, they will tell you they don't do updates on the fly. Tell me then how, i have not cleared any cookies or caches and game options have reset. Run a browser for days on end and all of a sudden that browser won't hardly run WGT, or that your are using a non supported browser. It didn't tell me that yesterday. Do nothing and it suddenly works again.