i hav ethe cleveland 588 56 wedge....and on 5 shits today it play all wrong ?...
75yr hit 75% lands 60yrds?..
80yrds hit 85% as - 15wind lands 62yrds ??
70yrds hit 70% lands 60 yrds?
80 yrds hit 75% as +15 wind lands 63 yrds?...
these shots cant be right.....
i am really begining to get tired of all the game errors on shots that just aint right....
pitch hit 15yrd goes.1-3 yrds many times this week...its just ridiculous...
even flops are way off again this week....
now today 23/08...my putt 43ft 20 odd inclined so i should hit a 63ft putt....i hit a 58ft taking into account green speed and lo and nehold put went 20ft ??....this is a laughable game
25/08/2016...#4 st andrews 70rd shot from fairway hit 70% of my 100yrd wedge with 19+ wind went 60 yrds...