After a bit of a break from mountain biking I picked up my new, albeit used, bike yesterday and was slightly bemused by the shifters. There's 1 lever that you can easily push away from you and slightly up to change down a gear. Changing up was very awkward though, pushing that damn lever the other way was very difficult. Until I realised the brake lever was moving at the same time. What's this? You push the brake lever down to change up?
Bugger me, that's a bit of a novelty. For some old fart who stuck with thumb shifters years after everyone went to... what was it called? Damn, I can't remember. Those double lever shifters with a zillion moving parts.
Anyway, I'm well happy with the bike overall and can't wait to do many miles on it and get it nice and dirty : )
It did make me realise how quickly technology moves on though.