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defying the laws of physics ??

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Tue, Aug 30 2016 4:16 PM (30 replies)
  • PatrikKlun
    8 Posts
    Sun, Aug 28 2016 8:06 PM

    If you are really so good, then let's do this: you send me a friend request; we play nine holes against each other (you gotta give me 5 strokes on a 9 hole round of course, based solely on your average); and then, we gonna see, who the real champion is. Wager? Winner gets a sleeve of 650 credit balls. You game?

  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Mon, Aug 29 2016 4:12 AM


    You're not bursting my bubble: the CTTH is a month long unlimited, which I only began playing yesterday. My score is actually 59.63; and that is not by chance, it is skill. I am currently in 46th place; and I don't see any other tour pros posting any scores close to it. So, here's a dose of reality: yes, I could certainly beat a champion; and have beaten many legends and champipns already in this competition. I certainly have a clue, as to what I am doing: I am a golf expert since 1981, when I began caddying at the of 12. The beauty of WGT is: it is not a gamer's game; it's a golfer's game! You need ro understand golf thoroughly, in order to play it well. 


    Don't go on about MED, when the club's were simply not living up to its billing. 


    80 years ago an Austrian painter and decorator exhibited the same arrogance as you and he got his comeuppance, as was rightly due. Take heed.

    Instead of bumping your gums, you might do well to listen to those who clearly are long standing members of WGT and play the game to a much higher standard than you and on a consistent basis. You learn more through your ears than your mouth mein freund.

    To be honest I don't know how you find time to play. You have been a member for just about a month and already you are a club owner and have amassed 133 friends. Admirable Herr Klunz. Or is it Clunes?

    I smell bull.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Tue, Aug 30 2016 10:37 AM


    If you are really so good, then let's do this: you send me a friend request; we play nine holes against each other (you gotta give me 5 strokes on a 9 hole round of course, based solely on your average); and then, we gonna see, who the real champion is. Wager? Winner gets a sleeve of 650 credit balls. You game?

    You have got to be the biggest butt head that I have ever seen  . You want to play me and have me give you -5 under on a 9 hole round . You really are stupid and an absolute idiot if you think I or anyone would go for that . I dont have to give you anything in fact I wont even waste my time playing you . I wouldnt even play anyone thats below Legend tier because I frown upon that . Also I dont play with 650 credit balls so why should I buy them for you ? You know Ben Franklin saw you coming when he said " Its better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt " .

    So you go ahead and keep pretending to be more than you are Mr. Golf Expert . One thing about the internet you can be whatever or whoever you want to be because its all make believe .


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Aug 30 2016 11:38 AM

    No need for a game, you are hereby declared the WGT Champion Chump.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Aug 30 2016 11:48 AM

    It's a real well-trodden path.  The L59s are the way to go in this game...High trajectory = softer landings and etc as said.  

    Tour Pro Tees the L52s are still huge, but get to the M tees and the L59s start to really edge it on "real virtual" courses.  Get to the car park Legend tees and whilst still capable they can start looking long in the tooth early competing wise, and with modern equipment making the game feel easier than once getting to Legend "early" is a real issue for some.  

    Well done on your CTTH comp, but that's how it works around here club wise.  Ball wise it's also true, as alluded if not said directly, that using a ball above the level of your clubs is generally not worth while.  The CTTH comp is also a free one that has a random drawings and many will have banged round quickly to be entered.  Also many legends, TLs and Champs are there only because of red tees, and look pretty horrendous in open play.  Good luck with it all, but some perspective there.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Aug 30 2016 11:48 AM

    Actually, I would say, I am quite humble; especially considering, the awards, which you have for holes-in one in CTTH and in Accuracy in CTTH, took you more than four long years to achieve. I, on the other hand, replicated those awards in less than two days of partaking in a month-long, worldwide CTTH competition

    Serious players tend not to play much CTTH games. Instead they play proper golf, not some stupid parlour game.

    You are far from humble, you have a big head and an even bigger mouth and both are crammed full of shite.

  • pearljammmmer
    4,268 Posts
    Tue, Aug 30 2016 12:30 PM


    If you are really so good, then let's do this: you send me a friend request; we play nine holes against each other (you gotta give me 5 strokes on a 9 hole round of course, based solely on your average); and then, we gonna see, who the real champion is. Wager? Winner gets a sleeve of 650 credit balls. You game?

    LOLOL you gotta love this guy...runs his mouth about how good he is (then later actually says that he is HUMBLE???), then issues a challenge to a player who questions exactly how good he in fact is - but then wants that player to give him 5 strokes in a 9 hole match??? And adds that doing that will reveal who the real champion is...HAHAHAHA! can't make this stuff up...LMAO...

  • pearljammmmer
    4,268 Posts
    Tue, Aug 30 2016 12:31 PM

    You are far from humble, you have a big head and an even bigger mouth and both are crammed full of shite.

    BOOM! Well put! 

  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Tue, Aug 30 2016 3:03 PM

  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Tue, Aug 30 2016 3:19 PM
