anybody else experiencing this glitch ? swing automatically stops before the line causing me to have a poor shot which means poor score and usually withdrawing from tournaments....its aggravating...let me know.....RJBurgs...
if it stops leave it let run through then try again
If you hold your backswing for more than 20 seconds it will auto release.
If the downswing starts on it's own before you have set the power and released, you may have a worn out mouse (or if it's a wireless mouse it may need new batteries).
LOL...prolly not Don...thats a glitch everyone wants....
I don't have a chance to let it run just stops ,swings and hits the ball ....poor shot almost always....weird!!! its like someone is swinging for me and intentionally messing me up...
I agree with Paul. classic symptom of a worn out mouse.
Im playing on a macbook air...mouse is built it scott....