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Fri, Sep 2 2016 10:38 AM (2 replies)
  • ardeeprime
    77 Posts
    Thu, Sep 1 2016 7:43 PM

    First of all, love the fact that you are ever attempting to make wgt better. I have to say that the new scorecard is a fail. So small, I can barely read it, and there's so much screen available. Please fix...

  • TopShelf2010
    10,967 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2016 10:02 AM


  • borntobesting
    9,747 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2016 10:38 AM


    The workaround for the time being is Right Click and then Zoom In.

    This should suffice until the issue is addressed.



    Why even worry about it? If a 70 year old man with less than perfect eyesight can see the small scorecard easily then it isn't that small. Actually I never even noticed that it was smaller until the whiners who look for stuff to whine about started in on it.