Hey Everyone,
Its been a while since we have done one of these but bringing it back! As some of you may or may not know, today is National Video Game Day, so lets do a sleeve giveaway!
This week we are going to go with everyone's first video game played. Could be a console , computer, arcade game, even one of those Tiger Handheld games. Post your first game played or one that has had the most impact on you along with a picture of the game or boxart to enter the giveaway. Winner will be picked at random and will receive a sleeve of balls of their choice. Will have the drawing at 6pm Pacific today.
My first or most memorable game would have to be "Arch Rivals" for the NES. Would go over to my friends house on our block to go play and thought it was hilarious that you could punch the other players to steal the ball. But I think the game that really got me into playing video games would have to be Commander Keen. Would go with my dad to the local computer shows to get the new release shareware of this game when they had them, really good memories.

Looking forward to hearing everyone's and happy National Video Game Day!
All the Best,