Your sheet looks like a good start. Out of curiosity, do you calculate every putt using the notes on the bottom of the sheet?
- Mark
Yes I always use those multipliers. They're set to make sure the ball doesn't end up short or you would always miss putts. I am always the correct distance with the pin it's just a matter of aiming from there. Anyway, you are welcome to try them. For example multiply:
Vfast 10 *.93f=flat give or take +/- 2 inches, *.92u=uphill, *.9u=uphill for >40ft putts, *.87d=downhill, *.86d for >40ft putt |
So here's how to do it: Say you have a 20ft put, it's uphill 5in. 1ft per inch elevation +/-. Gives you 25ft. Since it's uphill you take the 25ft *.92 would hit for 23ft. So I hit a tad over 75% of the 60ft swing meter. And so on and so forth.
Just a side note... Putts within 7 feet I go ahead and hit it 1 or 2 feet more than the calculated distance and just ram it in the cup.